Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Friendship Gathering and Representing Numbers

On Thursday, all the grade two students will be meeting in the red pod, to make new friends and sing the song "Count on Me".  They will also be responsible for finding a new friend and interviewing them for a class book. Homework starts tomorrow and your son/daughter will be bringing home a yellow folder.
Take a few minutes tonight to practice the song...It is easy and catchy!

We continue to practice representing numbers.  Working with partners, we chose a 2-digit number greater than 20 and less than 60.  We had to come up with as many different ways to show that number in a given time frame.  Here are some examples:) Sorry for the sideways ones! Just tilt your head!!

Place Value and Base Ten

 Want to practice base ten? Check ABCya! or Funbrain or here!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Representing Numbers and Schema

In math, we brainstormed all the ways to represent a number.  We came up with A LOT of different ways!

In Language, we talked about our schema (our background knowledge...what we know) and how it helps us to make connections when reading.

At the end of the day, we discussed Work Stations which will be starting this week.  We made an anchor chart about what is should look like and sound like:)

A pretty busy Monday...I;m tired!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Place Value

Today, we learned about the tens (tall) and the ones (small) by acting out numbers using our...bodies! We had a lot of fun building numbers using classmates.  Take a look at the Flipagram we made!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Wondering Wednesday

Today, we had our first Wondering Wednesday in our classroom.  What is Wondering Wednesday?Ask your child what their wondering was...we will continue to work on our wonderings during our short French block. Here is a look at the Padlet we created with questions (or wonderings) we were thinking about today...

Where do you think Edward is going on his journey?
We have also begun to read the story "The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane" about a toy rabbit that is real (or is it?).

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Making Ten and Class Photo Day

Don't forget that this Friday is Class Photo Day (individual photos are on October 2nd)!  Student Fees are also due this Friday:)Today's group challenge was to come up with as many ways to Make Ten with addition sentences (only 2 numbers).Here is what we came up with!  We also danced to a song/video to help us learn our math facts to 10. We also learned that you could 'FLIP/FLOP' the numbers to make ten as well!

Making Ten on PhotoPeach

Monday, September 22, 2014

Dot Day

Addition and Subtraction Words

Today, we sorted math words into whether they were addition words or subtraction words. Afterwards, we met at the carpet to see if we all got the same answers.  In the end, we only had to move a few!  Check out the photos below...there appears to be word(s) that should be moved...can you spot the error?

On Friday, in our Reading Response books, we wrote a response to the story/song "Don't Laugh at Me".  You can see our responses below!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Doubles, Doubles and Math Inquiry

Thanks to all the parents who came out to watch the video we made...if I can get permission from everyone, I will put it on the blog.
We are learning our doubles facts to make adding easier. Dancing to this song is one of our favourite ways to learn...especially when you dance like a robot!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Don't Laugh at Me

Today we read the story "Don't Laugh at Me".  Do you remember what it was about?  Don't forget tomorrow is Meet the Teacher at 6:30.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Important Book

Today we read the book "The Important Book" by Margaret Wise Brown.  We then wrote about ourselves and what made us unique...the things we like to do and our personality!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Dot Video....REALLY COOL!

International Dot Day and Lines

Today is International Dot Day (and Nikil's birthday) based on the book "The Dot" by Peter H. Reynolds.  Before watching the video, we did a lesson on types of lines.  We brainstormed and drew lots of different kinds of lines in our new art portfolios.  Check out the variety of lines we came up with!

After watching the video 'The Dot', we created our own 2D dots and got to see them transform into 3D spheres using the colAR Mix app (free...itunes and android).  Here are some great examples!

The Dot Song from FableVision on Vimeo.

Some kids got 'dotty' and dressed up their shirts with...DOTS!
Matthew M.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Golden Rule and Adding 0

Today we listened to the "Berenstein Bears Golden Rule".  After we danced to a song about what "The Golden Rule" is all about. We wrote about how we follow the Golden Rule in school.  Take a look at the fun video!

We also learned that adding 0 to a number is SUPER DUPER EASY!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Important Dates to Remember!

Sept. 12- Verification Forms/CASL due

Sept. 18- Information/Curriculum Night
                6:55-1st Presentation
                7:25-2nd Presentation

Sept. 26- Class Photos

Sept. 26- School activity fee due

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

First Day Jitters

Last week, we listened to the story "First Day Jitters". Then we had to write about how we felt on the first day of school.  Take a peek at our responses to the prompt 'On the first day of second grade, I felt...'

Reading is FUN!

Today we worked on building our "Stamina" while reading  We are working towards reading ten minutes (uninterrupted and by ourselves).  Tomorrow, we will try again!  

Take a look at one of the first class books we made this year..."We Can Make Good Choices".

Monday, September 8, 2014

Chrysanthemum and Vowels

Today we listened to the story 'Chrysanthemum' by Kevin Henkes. Your son/daughter has brought home some homework.  We want to know how you chose their name.  Please return the sheet on Thursday. Below you will find a video of the story! We also talked about vowels and consonants. We learned a new song to help us remember the vowels!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

First Week Fun!

We finished up the week with Yoga play, working on our 'All About Me' booklets and played some 'Bump' Games!  Great end to a great first week!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

You're Finally Here!

Today, we read the story "You're Finally Here!"  and wrote about our summer vacations.  The author of the book is the same one who wrote the "Scaredy Squirrel" books and "Chester" books (Thanks, Liam!).  All of the grade twos got together in the red pod to listen (and laugh) at this very funny story.  Later, we listened to a story about making good and bad choices.  We rocked that one!  During gym, with Mrs. Ng's class, we played 'Head Honcho'...a very sweaty game!The week is almost over and the students have been settling in to the routines of our classroom.  Enjoy the lovely weather and get out for a walk:)

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Working Hard

We  have been working very hard these last two days.  Working in groups, we had to come up with as many ways to show a number from 1-5.   The school had an assembly to go over "The Golden Rule" and introduce teachers and new students to the school .  Check out the photos of us working!

We also read the book "First Grade Jitters" and had to visualize what Sarah Jane Hartwell looked like.  Mrs. Addison did not read the last page so the class had to create a mental image.  In the end, we found out who she was (and it's not who we thought!).

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