Sunday, November 30, 2014

Advent is here...and Advent Project

But what does it mean?

For the St. Cecilia Advent Project, each student has been asked to donate a non-perishable food item or personal hygiene item to donate to our class hamper.  The specific item can be found in the agenda.  Donations are due by December 10th. On December 10th, we will be having a St. Cecilia Christmas Spirit Day where children can wear festive clothing (we are asking for a small donation too).  Thanks in advance!

Friday, November 28, 2014

Collaboration, Visualization, Advent and Moustache Day

We are waiting...

Yesterday, we worked on a math inquiry related to water conservation. We were also looking to see how students collaborated with each other.  Some of the groups were able to figure out the answer to the question using a chart.  Take a look at some of the ways we solved the inquiry question (and NO Mrs. Addison's tap is NOT leaking...):

This group used repeated addition (and kept track of the hours too!)

This group made a chart to figure out the problem!

A chart is a great tool!

Using a T Chart is a great strategy!  Do you see a pattern?  

This is all the kids were shown !
Did you know that good readers use visualization to help them understand a story?
We continue to work on this reading strategy and are getting better at creating mental images.  We read 'The Paperboy' three times this week without seeing the pictures. After the third time. we had to pick a part of the story that we visualized and draw what we saw in our mind.  Finally. we got to see the actual pictures in the book.  We did a great job of visualizing this beautiful, simple story. Take a look at some our drawings in this Flipagram!

We raised money for Movember and many students were seen sporting some pretty cool moustaches!

We also are preparing for Advent by singing songs and setting up our prayer table.  The front lobby of St. Cecilia looks beautiful!

St. Cecilia foyer

Thanks you Liam and Archer for helping set up our prayer table:)

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Noodle Ball

Today, we played Noodle Ball in the gym!  Don`t forget to bring in a small donation for Movember tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Air Wonderings and Movember

Don't forget to bring in a small donation for Movember this Friday,  Maybe you will grow awesome moustaches like Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Rodgers!

La Sainte Catherine and Taffy!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


This Friday, students can purchase 'moustaches' for Movember for a small donation!  Check out this video!  We are continuing to work at our Literacy Stations every day.  This week, we are learning about Kidblog and working on setting up our blogs...stay tuned (and yes! You can work on your blog at home)  See the sidebar for the link to Kidblog. We came up with a list of things we could blog about using our digital citizenship knowledge.

What can I write about?

Monday, November 24, 2014

The Importance of Water and Growing Patterns

We watched a video about the importance of water.  Check it out!

We are learning about growing patterns.  Can you think of a growing pattern made with shapes?
What about numbers?

Important Reminders:
Nov. 28- Clothing orders due/ Moustache Day (bring in a small donation for Movember)
Nov. 30- First Week of Advent
Dec. 3- Book Fair Preview

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Repeating Patterns with 2 Changing Attributes/WITS

We had an assembly today to learn about WITS...what does it stand for?  Ask your kid:)
We also made a padlet about our water wonderings...take a look below:)

Here are two examples of showing our learning! We are learning about patterns with 2 changing attributes.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Water Cycle and more Patterns!

Do you see what I see?

Today, we had to create a repeating pattern where two attributes change (like colour/size/shape/direction/thickness).  We created the success criteria and students got to choose how to show their learning.  

Some chose to make a piccollage, others chose the Show Me app and some drew their pattern on paper.  Here is Sarah's Show Me about her pattern:

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Anti-Bullying Week, Patterning and Water Cycle Video

Here is the world premiere of our water cycle music video!

Today kicks of bully awareness week.  We will be making a special video to share with everyone.  Stay tuned!

A Prayer for Anti-Bullying

Lord, help us to see every person as made in your image and likeness.   May we always remember that each person's name is holy and special.  Help us to see you in every person's eyes, especially in the eyes of those who suffer because of mean words.  Help us to remember that when we hurt another with our words or actions, we are hurting you, Lord.  You love every person with all your heart.  May we always use our voice to show your love and your kindness.  We ask this in your name. Amen

We were asked the questions "How does a bully make you feel?"  and "How does a friend make you feel?".  We posted our words on Padlet.  Take a look!

We continue to work on patterning.  Here are some links to help students grasp the concepts we have been working on in class!

Music Video Preview

Here is a preview of our Water Cycle video!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Have a great weekend!

Water and Show Me

We continued our inquiry into water.  We watched this wonderful video that is from the perspective of water.  How do you think water feels about humans?

Students continue to work with the app 'Show Me' to share their patterns.   Here are some more good examples of showing our learning! Next week, we will be looking at creating patterns where 2 attributes change (colour, size, shape...).

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Random Acts of Kindness, Patterning and Water Cycle

Today is Kindness Day!  We did an activity called 'Paper Doll Kindness'.  Ask your child what we did!

I took some pictures of our water cycle in a chicken container. Do you notice any changes?

In math, we used our bodies and boomwhackers to make patterns.  Can you figure out our pattern?

We also listened to the song "Kindness" by Steve Bell.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Xtramath and the Power of Yet

I am sending home a note regarding Xtramath so the students can practice their math facts. This is not part of the monthly homework and it is not mandatory for students to use the site.  It is just for fun:) You can find the link on the side bar and here!  Akash and Domenik made their Show Me today. Check it out!

Instead of saying "I can't do it!" we are going to try and say "I can't do it...yet!"

Padlet and QR Codes

Today, we used the ipads and QR codes to connect to a padlet on water.  Students use padlet to write what they knew about water. We had some technical difficulties (wi-fi!) but most of us got to share our learning.  If you want, you can add to our padlet board:)

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