Friday, February 27, 2015

We Create Change, Skating and Ice Race

Don't forget to bring in your spare change!  Perhaps this sheep can convince you!

Here is the Ice Race video I promised earlier today.  It was made with two grade two classes back in 2013.  Enjoy!

Finally, we went skating this Friday at the Minto Complex:)

Thursday, February 26, 2015

We Create Change and More Matter

We are trying to collect change to buy a goat for a poor family.  Here is a little info...

We brainstormed solids and liquids that can be found in nature and ones that are man-made.  Here is what we came up with:

With a partner, we had to create a device that would float (showed buoyancy) for at least 5 seconds. We could use materials found in the classroom like tin foil, straws, plasticine and milk cartons. After, we had to make a short video to prove that our device could float.

Don't forget we have skating tomorrow at the Minto Complex at 1pm.  On Monday, we have Scientists in the Schools visiting us!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Dissolve, Absorb and Repel

Today we investigated which solids dissolve (looks like it disappears) in water.  We discovered that sugar dissolves easily and Froot Loops did not dissolve.  Flour looked like it dissolved but the water turned cloudy.  We also did an experiment to see which solids absorb (soak up) water and which solids repel (stays on top).  Check out the results of our experiment on our padlet!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Important Dates and Polygon Fun!

Image result for ice skating clipart

Friday, February 25th- Skating at Minto Complex at 1pm

Spirit Week

Monday- PJ and Teddy Bear Day
Scientists in the School (pm)
Tuesday- Crazy Hat and Socks Day
Wednesday- Jersey Day/Board Game
Thursday- St. Cecilia Spirit Wear Day
Friday- Winter Play Day

We have been learning about makes a polygon a...polygon!  Test yourself here to see if you know what a polygon is:)  Still not sure about what a polygon is?  Check out this site for more help!

Do all solids float? and Can liquids float and sink?

The answer to both questions is...YES!

We didn't do this experiment but it shows how some liquids float while others sink!
Created with Padlet
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We discovered that corn syrup was denser than water and oil.  It stayed at the bottom and the oil (which is less dense) stayed at the top of the jar!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Do all solids float? and Polygons

In groups today, students were asked to choose 10 solids in the classroom.  They then had to predict whether or not they would float or sink.  They took a bin and filled it with water.  After that, they took their solids and placed them in the water to see whether or not they would float.

We have been learning about polygons.  Polygons have at least 3 straight sides so a circle is NOT a polygon.

Friday, February 20, 2015

We Create Change

This year, the grade sixes have chosen We Create Change for St. Cecilia's Lenten Project.  We are asking students to bring in change so that the school can buy goats for third world countries. For the past two years, my son Jason has bought a goat for a family far away.  Every $50 raised will buy a goat for a families in need.  

Sorting Shapes and Mixing Liquids

In their groups, students were asked to sort various shapes.  Some groups sorted by number of sides or odd/normal shapes.  We learned today that you can sort shapes by geometric properties like number of sides and number of corners (vertices).  Non-geometric properties include size and shape.

In Science, we experimented by mixing various liquids (e.g. vinegar, oil, ketchup) with water to see which liquids mix well and which ones do not mix well.  Oil and ketchup DID NOT mix well. Vinegar, milk, water and juice did mix well! Happy Friday!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Beach Volleyball,Chinese New Year and Mixing Liquids

It may be cold outside but in gym it was nice and warm as we played beach volleyball.

Today we made Chinese lanterns to commemorate the year of the sheep (or goat).  After we read the story "Lion Dance" about a boy who participates in Chinese New Year festivities in New York City.  We watched a video that showed us what the lion dance was all about.  We also learned how to say Happy New Year in Chinese.
What happens when you mix a liquid with a liquid?  Ask your child what happened when we mixed water and food colouring and water and oil.  This photo might help!

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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Pancake Tuesdayand 2D Scavenger Hunt

What is Pancake (or Shrove) Tuesday? In the gym tomorrow, we will have an Ash Wednesday liturgy at 9:45.

In Math, we continue to explore 2D shapes.  With a partner, students created a piccollage about 2D shapes they found in the classroom.  Each student uploaded it to their kidblog and then they uploaded it to our padlet wall.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Skating and Day 2 of Making Crystals

Thank you to our parent volunteers who joined us on our skating trip!

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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Making Crystals and Liquid Race

Today we made heart-shaped crystals!  Well...they haven't actually turned into crystals yet but maybe by Friday... We mixed borax and hot water (stirring to make sure it was dissolved).  Then, we made hearts out of pipe cleaners and placed it in the hot water.  We hope to turn the liquid into a solid!
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In Math, we are investigating 2D shapes and we made this anchor chart about all the things we know about...shapes!
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We also had a liquid race between ketchup, mustard and syrup.  More people thought syrup would win because it flowed very well in its container.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Narratives, Newsletter and Skating

We are beginning to learn how to write a narrative.  Mrs. Addison and Ms. Ng collaborated and wrote a story about being locked in the Minto Complex.
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Yesterday, both classes helped to write a story about a boy lost in the biggest toy shop in New York City.  For those budding writers who want to get a head start, check out this site here for some fun story starters!  You can find the February newsletter here or on the sidebar:)  Don't forget we are skating on Thursday so bring your skates and helmet!

Today, we leveled narratives written by other students and posted them on padlet. Tomorrow we will take a closer look at what makes a good narrative!

Monday, February 9, 2015

The 3 Billy Goats Gruff

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Two of the groups have performed the play "The Three Billy Goats Gruff".  Take a look!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Area and Regrouping

 We continue to work on subtraction with regrouping, learning about different strategies to solve problems.  Take a look at some of our experts explaining how to subtract big numbers!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Global Play Day and National Sweater Day

Today is Global Play Day and the students were allowed to play anything they wanted.  Some played chess, others made paper airplanes and some chess.  Check it out!

Don't forget to wear a sweater tomorrow for National Sweater Day!  We will be turning down the heat and keeping warm with our cozy sweaters!

We continue to practice subtraction with regrouping.  Hope these videos will help!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Subtraction with Regrouping

We are learning to subtract with regrouping.  We know if there is more on the floor, we need to go next door (tens) and bring it over to the ones.  Then are top number will be bigger than the number on the bottom.  Here is a great video to help with our understanding,

Our two winners for the Gospel Value of Dignity of the Person are Averie and Jacob.  Well done!
The Gospel Value for the month of February is...LOVE.Displaying photo.JPG

Homework went home today in the yellow folder.  It will be due at the end of the month.  Please make sure it is neat and organized (easier to mark!).  A green duotang also went home.  Please take out the work in the duotang (you can keep that). You can check out the assessments that are stapled but please return them in the plastic folder.  Thanks again!  

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