Friday, May 29, 2015

More Beetles

We have more beetles in our class! No...not those Beatles! Take a look!

Monday, May 25, 2015

Gallery Walk

Today we went on a gallery walk to assess each other's writing.  Using the non-fiction paragraph success criteria, we walked around and read other group's paragraphs.  We then had to think of one great thing they did and one next step for their paragraphs.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Animals and Dance

Today, we created a non-fiction descriptive writing text about the Emperor Penguin.  First, we found facts about these remarkable penguins and turned them into awesome sentences.  Here is what we came up with!
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We have also been learning about the six animal classifications and created posters last week to share with the class.

Brooklyn's mealworm has turned into a Darkling Beetle! It tried to hide from me when I was taking a video. Jake's pupa looks like it is ready to change into a beetle too!

This week we have been doing an Arts rotation in all the grade two classes,  Yesterday, we learned about green screening and today we learned about dance.  Check out our moves!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Jump Rope for Heart and Green Screen

Please check your bags for Jump Rope for Heart Pledges.  They went home on Friday and we will be having the event on June 11th!  Last year, our school collected $5500 in pledges.  Way to go!
On Friday, we got into groups to research the six classifications of animals.  We created posters that showed the specific characteristics of those animal types.  We played a game today to see if we remembered those characteristics.  They did not include insects in the game but we consider them a classification of animals. Give it a try here!

Today, we spent some time learning about how to green screen and practiced with a partner.  Here are two examples from our class:) We are not experts yet but we sure had fun!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Dietician Visit

We had a dietician visit the grade two classes today.  Mrs. McDevitt taught us about the four food groups and how to build a healthy plate.  At the end of the visit, we got to make yummy (and healthy snacks) using pita/wow butter or hummus.  Ask your child what makes a healthy meal:)

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Coin Problem and Inferring Pic Collages

Today we had a group problem to solve.  Some groups got and some did not!  Check it out!

Be sure to check out our Inferring Pic Collages on our blogs. Leave a comment if you can please!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Experimenting with Mealworms, Money Problems and Inferring

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Celebrating our First Communion
Thanks to all the parents who came out to our Open House this morning. For those of you who were not able to visit in the morning,  here is our Best Part of Me photostory!
Yesterday we experimented with our mealworms. First we made some predictions about what would happen and then we conducted our experiments. Ask your child what were the results of their experiments (no mealworms were hurt during this time!).

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Today we played 'Time Scoot' and had a blast going around the classroom trying to answer the question before the teacher yelled "SCOOT!".  In grade 2, students need to be able to tell time to the quarter hour and this game was a great way to practice out time-telling skills. We are also working on money and solving problems that include money.
In Language, we watched a very funny video called "Pigeon Impossible" that required us to use our inferring skills to figure out what was going on...

Monday, May 4, 2015

Education Week

Education Week has begun and we had a liturgy in the gym this afternoon. Don't forget to drop by on Wednesday morning between 8 and 9 am to check out what we have been up to in our classroom. Outside in the hall you will also find some of the interesting things we have been working on.  Make sure you download a free QR Reader app so you can scan our Earth Day pledges:)
We also worked on the Car Caravan math problem first block.
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Here is the photo that launched the discussions
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Here is the 'math' we saw in the photo
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One car=one penny
Students were asked to estimate and justify the number of cars in the caravan.  One group was the closest with an estimate of just over a 1,000.  The point was not the actual number but the process and reasonable answers.  I still haven't told them the exact number of cars (2,500) but many of them agreed that their estimates of one and two hundred were too small.
We continue to take care of our mealworms and they continue to grow.  They are constantly shedding (molting) their exoskeletons as they get bigger and bigger. Jake and Nick's mealworms are getting very big...I guess they are remembering to bring in a small piece of fruit to feed them!

Friday, May 1, 2015


Saidat came to St. Cecilia and we learned some awesome dance moves!  I can't believe some of the dancers we have in our classroom! Saidat is a great motivational speaker and ask your child what they remember most from their talk (and the new moves they learned!).We also had a larva begin to change into a pupa!

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