Thursday, March 31, 2016

Special Visitor and PJ Day Tomorrow!

We were lucky to have Ryan from Ryan's Well visit us today.  He was very happy about the money we raised for projects to build wells in Africa.  Later we wrote about his visit to St. Cecilia on our blogs.  If you didn't have enough time to finish your blog entry, this would be a great homework opportunity. In Religion we have be learning about the Eucharist and making connections to the Last Supper.  As well, we have been learning about the parts of the mass.
Don't forget to wear your PJs tomorrow as we have a movie afternoon planned as a reward for all our hard work collecting money for Ryan.

Sophia gave Ryan the check for his foundation.

In Language we are continuing to learn about writing narratives.  Today we had to write an opening sentence for a story with the title "The Haunted Hotel".  If you did not get a chance to finish your sentence, this would also make a great homework activity!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Welcome Back!

I hope everyone had a relaxing break and is ready to take on term two!
Yesterday your son/daughter brought home the new homework for our classes.  Please read it over together.  You can find a copy here if it has been misplaced:) The intention of the new homework is to give students more choice (like we do in class) and is meant to work around busy schedules.  If you wish to continue the old program with the word wall words, please let me know and I will provide you with a copy.  The students were excited to change up the homework program and work on things that interest them (or areas they need to work on).
In math we have finished up our 2D geometry unit and have begun 3D geometry.  At the start of each day we have a math task to complete.  It might be a brain buster or work in our daily math duotang. As well, we have been looking at images and discussing the 'math' we see in the picture.

We have also finished our Science unit and will launch our new unit (Movement) next week.
Each day, after last recess, we have something called 'Stamina' where we read whatever we want for a set period of time.  Take a look at some of the books we have been reading independently!

We have a special guest visiting our school tomorrow...Ryan from Ryan's Well!
We raised a lot of money for this great local charity! 

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Holy Week and All About Holly

We have been learning a new song for Holy Week!
On Holy Thursday, all the grade two classes got together to share a loaf of bread and a glass of juice.
Afterwards, we watched a movie about Jesus and the Last Supper.  Take a peek at our own version of the Last Supper:)

Today, Holly was our Star of the Week.  She showed us lots of pictures of her and her family (we love her dog Molly!). Holly did a wonderful job! Be sure to check out her Google slideshow:)

Have a wonderful Easter!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

World Water Day

Did you know that 1 billion people in the world do not have access to clean water? We watched a few videos today on World Water Day.  How can we save water?  How can we help others who do not have clean water?

Monday, March 21, 2016

Welcome Back!

Welcome back!  I hope everyone had a relaxing break.  Today we got right back to work first block with Math Stations.  We are almost finished 2D geometry and our just beginning our 3D geometry inquiry.  We will be rotating through five stations this week and into next week.  Some of the stations require us to post our work to our own blogs so take a peek if you get a chance!

At the Tangram Station, we are learning to create pictures using the 7 geometric 'tans'.  We watched the story "Grandfather Tang's Story" before we went off to our stations. Can you make the animals that Grandfather created in the book? You can find an interactive site here to play around with your own tangrams!
Today, we also listened to the story of the "Three Trees".  Do you remember the dreams of the three trees?  Did their dreams come true? What was the author's message? We are working on creating an Easter Egg version of the story to display in the foyer.

In Science, we played a game of Kahoot to see what we remembered about Solids and Liquids.  Click here if you would like to play the game at home!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Ottawa Inuit Children's Centre Visits...Again!

We were lucky to have Deon visit us during our gym period before the March Break.  The time always goes by quickly and we wish he could be with us longer!  We learn a little bit about Inuit culture while learning how to persevere to complete a difficult task.  Take a look at some of the things we did when Deon visited us at St. Cecilia!

Friday, March 11, 2016

Crystals, The Greedy Triangle and All About Azariah

Have a wonderful March Break!
We read the story 'The Greedy Triangle' today after gym class.  Do you agree with the title of the book?
Azariah was our Student of the Week.  He brought in a lot of pictures of his family.  Some of his pictures were taken in Ethiopia!  We love Azariah's smile!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Ryan Wrote Back! Burkina Faso and What Does the Shape Say?

Don't forget to wear YELLOW tomorrow and bring in a loonie for our Lenten Project.  Thanks in advance!

Another wonderful video that the kids and Mrs. Addison of @StCeciliaOCSB put together!
Ryan really like our video!
Today we researched facts about a country where Ryan has built a well...Burkina Faso.  We used Padlet to post our information so we could easily share with the other grade two classes.  Here is what we learned about Burkina Faso:

We also made a video using the Chatterkid app for our geometry unit.  Check it out!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Ryan's Well, Mathletics and Shamrock Shenanigans

On Tuesday, we made a video to share our Lenten Project with the world.  We have raised so much money and it looks like we will be able to help Ryan build another well.  On Friday, we are going to dress in our team colour of yellow. Thanks again for all the money so far:)
Today, we logged into our Mathletics account for the first time.  Students can access through student portal or simply go to  Password information was glued into the front of the agenda so students can work on it from home as well as school.
In Language, we imagined what it would be like to grab a pot of gold from a leprechaun.  What would we do? Where would we go?  We green screened our ideas and posted to the padlet below.  So much fun!

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

We Are the Body of Christ

We have been singing this song to celebrate our faith and our upcoming First Communion.  You can find the lyrics here.
In Science, we are on Day 2 of our crystal observations.  Ask your child what their snowflake looks like! Today, we used Popplet and Padlet to post our understanding of solids/liquids in the natural and built environment.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Narratives, Subtraction and Crystals!

Today we began to look at narratives and created an anchor chart to assist us when we are writing our own stories.  It looks a lot like a Shape Go Map that we used to retell a...story!  After watching the story 'The Plot Chickens', we discussed things that a narrative must have to be awesome! We remembered to include proper punctuation and add details to 'bump up' our writing.

In Math, we continue to focus on 2D geometry but we are also beginning to work on subtracting 2-digit numbers with regrouping.  We used base ten to help us and even got to write on our desks! Here is a great poem to help us remember when we have to 'borrow' a ten!
 In Science, we created a solution using Borax (solid) and hot water (liquid).  We are hoping crystals will form on our 'snowflakes'.  Stay tuned! We also talked about solids that float and sink.  A new word was introduced...buoyancy (the ability of an object to float in water or air).  We discovered that not all solids float and a lot of them sink!

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Ryan's Well so far...and 2D Pictures

We have raised this much money so far...
We have been busy creating 2D pictures using tools such as Google Drawings, construction paper and pattern blocks. Pretty creative!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Train to Somewhere, Ryan's Well and Science

Today we read the story 'Train to Somewhere' by Eve Bunting.  The story is based on true events in the late 1800s with orphan trains.  Marianne is headed West with other children on the Orphan Train hoping to find her mother. We asked questions before, during and after the story, posting them to padlet.  Interestingly...there is no real place called Somewhere! Eve Bunting used her imagination to come up with the final stop on the orphan train.

In Science, we consolidated our absorb/repel experiments from yesterday.  Here is what we discovered!

We are continuing to raise money for Ryan;s Well.  Look at all the money we have collected so far!  Way to go and a big thank you! Ryan will be coming to visit St. Cecilia after the March Break.  Our school is trying to build a well for his foundation.  I know we can do it!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Asking Questions and Absorb/Repel

Here is the March Newsletter...Enjoy!
Today we looked at the 'Asking Questions' reading strategy to help us understand what we are reading.  Good readers use this strategy before, during and after we read texts.  We also discussed 'thin' and 'thick' questions.  For instance. a thin question is "right there" and doesn't really help us understand the story.  With thick questions, you have to REALLY think and use your noggin'. We listened to the story 'A Day's Work' by Eve Bunting.  Here are some of the questions we came up with!

In Science, we conducted experiments with solids to see which ones absorb (soak up) liquids and which ones repel (fall off) liquids.  Ask us which ones are great for absorbing spills (thankfully we use water and NOT sticky juice for our experiments!).

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