Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Mrs. Green Gets Slimed!

She said she would get slimed if we raised over $9000 for Jump Rope for Heart.  Well... we

Thursday, June 23, 2016

End of Year

Students who were caught up on all of their work used technology to share their memories of Grade Two.  Others chose to use Google Slides to make a presentation called "10 Things You Don't Know About Me' for their Grade Three teachers.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Animal Projects

We are almost done our animal projects!  We had a choice of how we we wanted to present our projects.  Some of us chose Book Creator, others chose to make a poster and a lot of students chose Google Slides.  Check out Rubi's Slideshow about the Grey Wolf:)

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Jump Rope Grand Finale

We had a wonderful day for our Jump Rope for Heart event on June 9th.  The weather was perfect and the kids were totally enthusiastic!  We raised close to $11, 000, making it our most successful year at St. Cecilia.  Thanks again to everyone who supported this worthy cause.  Well done!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Today we investigated Mammals.  Did you know that mammals have a backbone, are warm-blooded and have live births? Did you know they also drink their mother's milk?

 Rubi finished her descriptive paragraph today and we decided to green screen her.  Check it out!

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Reptiles and Jump Rope for Heart

We had a great day with Jump Rope for Heart and the weather cooperated!  Stay tuned for great pictures and video to follow.  Today we looked at reptiles and discovered that they are cold-blooded, have a backbone and waterproof skin.  Don't forget that it is a PD day tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Fish and We Did It!

Wear RED tomorrow for Jump Rope for Heart!
Today we became fish experts!  Did you know that fish have a backbone (vertebrates), gills, scales and are cold-blooded?  Tomorrow we are going to work on our descriptive paragraph about an animal of our choice.  I think some people are going to change their animal because fish are really interesting!

Tomorrow we have our Jump Rope for Heart event.  Please wear red and return your pledge form. Thanks again!
Ryan sent us some pictures from Burkina Faso.  We helped to build a well for a school in Africa. Way to go!

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Jump Rope Promo Videos

We are trying to advertise and promote our upcoming Jump Rope for Heart event next week. Check out some of our videos and posters!

Our Trip to Baxter Conservation Area


Thursday, June 2, 2016

Trip to Baxter and Animal Classification

Important Reminders for our trip to Baxter:
-rubber boots
-rain gear (just in case)
-water bottle
-litterless lunch
-sunscreen/bug spray
-extra clothes (just in case)

We continue to learn about animals in science. Animals can be sorted into six classes or classifications.  These six groups are sorted based on shared characteristics.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Healthy Eating Workshop and...Birds!

We were lucky to have Mrs. McDevitt in this morning for a great healthy eating workshop.  We learned about building a healthy plate that is half full of fruits/veggies and the other half divided between meat/grains.  For the hands on part of the workshop, we searched through grocery store flyers to create a healthy plate.  Later, we got to play with our food and make 'faces' on pita!  It was so delicious!  Thanks again Mrs. McDevitt:)

In gym we practiced skipping in preparation for the Jump Rope event next Wednesday.  If you haven't pledged, you can still send it to school or online.  Thanks for any donation you can give to this great cause!
We had a very short Science period so we watched a video about birds.  We learned that they are warm-blooded, have backbones (vertebrates) and have feathers.

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