Thursday, September 29, 2016

Push and Pull

Force is a push or pull that moves an object.  Today we went on a 'Push/Pull' scavenger hunt in the school.  With a partner, we walked around the school in search of things that showed pushing and pulling.  When we returned to the cottage, we had to create a collage using the Pic Collage app. Take a look at some of the examples we found of pushing and pulling at Holy Redeemer!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Greater Than Less Than and Forces

In Math, we are looking at ways to represent numbers as well as compare them.  Today we began our math stations during second block.  Some of us were using Dreambox and others were using Seesaw to represent numbers.  Another group used ABCys to work with base ten blogs and guessing what a number might be.  A lot of us need more practice with the greater than and less than sign.  We watched two short videos that helped us understand the signs better.  I really like the idea of drawing two dots beside bigger number and one dot beside the smaller number,  You connect the dots and voila!  You have the correct sign!  What a great help:)

In Science we are learning about Forces Causing Movement.  One force is static electricity.  Andrew was going down the slide and his hair stood up-I decided to take a video of this occurrence. Well...let's just say that the static electricity won!

Monday, September 26, 2016

#GMTTC and Library

On Mondays, we go to the library to take out a new book.  Each week we will have a chance to visit with Mrs. Nelson, our library technician.

Today we took part in the Global Math Task Twitter Challenge.  In keeping with the seasons, the question posed from another class involved apples.  Take a look at the question!

A student from @ClassNelson came up with all these solutions!  Well done!

In our class, most students thought of one way to group the apples...3 bags of 10 with 6 single apples. We will try another question like this tomorrow!

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Head Honcho and Other Fun!

Just for fun!  I love to learn new things and used two apps to create this 'photobomb' picture of Keera in a famous painting!  It would be awesome to let the kids photobomb their favourite pictures...Take a look at Keera hopping into a Edward Hopper painting called 'Automat'.
On Twitter, a teacher from Manitoba wanted to know how we played the game 'Head Honcho' in our gym class.  Since it was easier to show her than write down the instructions, we made a video so her class could play the game.  Take a peek!
In Religion, we worked on a shared Google Slide called "We Can Be the Good News" to go with our new board spiritual theme.
The green screen app that we use in our class really liked our first attempt at using the app!  Way to go Tomek and are Twitter stars!
We also got a shout out from Go Noodle for our awesome demonstration of yoga moves.  Great end to a busy week 3C!

The internet was not cooperating with us this week so some of us worked on our slides and others worked on creating line art using watercolours and pastels.  Here is a sneak peak at our creativity in action.  Very relaxing end to the week:)

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Representing Numbers and Being a Good Citizen

In Math we are looking at ways to represent, compare and order numbers.  There are LOTS of ways to represent a number. Have a peek at all the ways we are learning about in our class. You can practice at home by choosing a number and representing that number in four (or more!) ways.  Using expanded form to show a number is new to many students,  You are S-T-R-E-T-C-H-I-N-G out the number into its value (e.g. 36 in expanded form is 30 + 6). Students will be learning how to show three-digit numbers in expanded form (e.g. 365=300 + 60 + 5).

In Religion, we have begun our Digital Citizenship unit called 'Samaritans on the Digital Road'. Ask your child how they can be a good citizen!

Monday, September 19, 2016

Global Math Task

Today we took part in our first Global Math Task Twitter Challenge.  We took part in the grade 2 challenge as the grade 3 one used US measurement rather than metric.  Using our whiteboards, we read the problem together and got to work coming up with solutions to the question.  It was easy peasy but a great way to warm up our brains on a Monday morning!
Take a peek at how we solved the word problem!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Welcome to Our Class!

Wow!  We have been at school for almost two weeks...time sure has flown!  Here is a video recap of what we have been up to so far in 3C:)

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Our Week

On Friday, we met with Mr. Caron's class for another group challenge...the Red Cup Challenge! It was great to see the kids working together to create a pyramid out of cups without using their hands. They should be commended for never giving up and learning from their failures.  The joy on their faces when they succeeded was priceless!

This Thursday, we worked on an art project for Dot Day and created a beautiful canvas that hangs in our classroom.  We each made our mark on the canvas and each dot was unique!
Based on the book 'The Dot' by Peter Reynolds
The students explored Google Slides and shared their knowledge with each other.  Some were experts and others were novices.  Great end to the week!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Grade 3 is...HAIR RAISING!

Dot Day

Today we celebrated Dot Day by reading 'The Dot' by Peter Reynolds.  We also listened to the song and worked on a piece of art inspired by the story.  We also learned about a really cool app that made our dots come to life.  Watch this video to see how it is done!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

What's Up!

This morning we did another Week of Inspirational Math with Jo Boaler.  After watching a video about making mistakes and how they are good for our brains, we looked at an unusual emoji graph and answered some difficult questions about it. Tomorrow we will get into groups and come up with our own unusual graphs!

We just finished our first attempt at green screening in the portable.  Take a look!

Finally, here are some of the ways we came up to be the Good News at Holy Redeemer.
In writing, we have begun to look at recounts.  We did a shared writing about our gym class with Mrs. Trent.  Here it is!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Sent to Be the Good News

We had our first Liturgy in the gym and our new board Spiritual Theme was introduced.  Later, we discussed how we can be the good news in our daily lives.  I will share some of our ideas tomorrow! We also learned two new songs about friendship and community that tie into our new theme. The first song is called the 'Song of Gathering'. You can find the lyrics here if you would like to practice:) The next song we are learning is 'Count on Me'.

6 days in the cottage and look at us!

Monday, September 12, 2016

Pizza and Milk

Pizza - Wednesdays

Sept 21Jan 25 (17 weeks)

Cheese or Pepperoni - $2.25 slice (total for 17 weeks $38.25)
Gluten free Cheese - $2.50 slice (total for 17 weeks $42.50)

Orders are due by this Friday, Sept 16.

Milk - Oct 3-Dec 23 (57 days)

White or Chocolate - $0.75 each (total for 57 days $42.75)

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