Tuesday, January 31, 2017

What We've Been Up To!

In Language, we investigated our Schema today (our background knowledge) and looked at how it helps us to infer.  Using your schema + clues helps you to figure things out!  We will be using this reading strategy to 'read between the lines'.  Sometimes the author doesn't tell us everything and we need to figure it out by ourselves.
We use inferring all the time! 
After gym, we played something I like to call The Inferring Game.  A student had a feeling word placed on their back (so they could not see it) and we had to give them clues as to what their word might be.  The student with the feeling on their back chose students to give them clues to the feeling. Some students used their bodies to give clues while others gave examples of the feeling to help the student guess their feeling.  It is harder than it looks but we got better and better the more we practiced.  Here are some examples!
I was amazed at the number of actors/actresses we have in our classroom!  Well done, Grade Threes!  We will continue the inferring game tomorrow...
In Math, we continue to look at pictographs and the 'Must Haves' or Success Criteria for creating a great graph. We are also working on adding numbers using efficient strategies that work for us ('W' strategy, algorithm, open number line).  Every morning, we will be having a math 'warm up' with addition or subtraction questions/problems.  We will be working on three-digit addition and subtraction soon.  Using efficient strategies and mental math are ways to make us become faster at computations!
We created a pictograph about hair colour in our classroom.  Here are the results of our survey!
We had a few people absent today!

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Family Literacy Day Posters

Just because it was a snow day did not mean we didn't work.  Our class, Mr.C's class and Mrs. Berryhill's class got together in the Learning Commons. Students were asked to create posters to advertise the upcoming Family Literacy Day at Holy Redeemer.  After coming up with a success criteria for the posters, students could work alone or with a partner to create an ad using the PicCollage app. Here are the ones that were completed during second block!

Thursday, January 19, 2017


Today we listened to the story "Squirrel's New Year's Resolution" and did a shared retell using a Shape Go Map.
Shared Retell
We also continue to work on our Forces of Nature slideshows.  Students will be presenting to the class on Monday:)
As well, one of Learning Skills focus for this term is Independent Work.  We co-created an anchor chart together and filled out an Exit Ticket about how we would improve our IW skills in the classroom.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Adding Strategies for Large Numbers and Language

We continue to look at ways to add larger numbers efficiently. Students are encouraged to practice at home and choose a strategy that is user-friendly for them.  Here you can find the different strategies that we are exploring in our classroom.
In Language, students listened to the story "The Very Cranky Bear".  They were listening for adjectives that would help them to visualize the story while it was being read.  Great little story!

Monday, January 16, 2017

Build a Snowman (Person)

In Language today we used Google Slides to build a snowperson and write about them.  We could write a descriptive paragraph or make up a story about them.  Afterwards, we had to figure out how to download our pictures as a png and upload to Seesaw! Sammy and Arda tried out the record voice feature on his picture and paragraph.  Check these out!





In Religion, we learned about the Epiphany and wrote about the visit from the Three Wise Men.
By Andrew

Saturday, January 14, 2017


Thanks to everyone who completes their homework!  Please remember to answer the questions properly and put forth your best effort.  Read over before you submit.

Reminders and First Week Back!

Important Reminder!
Don't forget!  We have Swim to Survive on Monday.  Please bring a plastic bag to put your wet bathing suit in after we are finished.  
We had a busy first week back since the holiday break and I have not had a chance to do much updating to the blog.  I have spent most of the time updating Twitter so...here goes!
On Friday, we began our Genius Hour and will try to work on it each Friday from now on.  Through Google Slides, students were guided through the thought process of what Genius Hour is and some ideas for projects they could work on.  I can't wait to see what projects they choose to work on and present to the class (and the world!).  Lots of excitement on this day!
Filling out an interest form

 We also started off the week by thinking about one word to describe our New Year's Resolution.  Students were given the opportunity to use cardstock, Google Drawings or Pic Collage to create our #oneword2017.  We are in the process of green screening ourselves and creating a video about our one word!  If you are interested...my ONE word is TRY!
 In Science, we are finishing up our Forces Causing Movement unit by collaborating on a Google Slideshow presentation about forces of nature.  Using Hapara Workspace, students watched videos and read books about their force.  Epic books provided the students with awesome online reading materials for each of the forces and was curated in my personal Epic library.  Great site! They have a couple of days to work on their slideshow before presenting it to the class.  Our last activity will be the Egg Challenge...stay tuned for pictures and videos!
Working together on our Google Slides presentation

Using Epic books to learn about Tsunamis

Using Plickers for Data Management Exit Tickets and EQAO practice

In Math, we are working on Data Management and are waiting for the results of our Christmas Surveys we sent out to Grade Three and Grade Five classes.  We will analyze and compare the data!
This week, we learned a new game in gym called Four Corners Soccer.  Ask your child how you play this awesome game!  BTW...lots of sweaty kids after this gym session!

I also opened my Christmas present to share during Math Stations.  His name is Dash and he is adorable!  He is a robot that we can code...the possibilities are endless!

In Religion, we have been learning a little bit about Mary and God's promises that He kept. In Family Life, we are learning about how each of us is unique and the same (we all have feelings). 

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

First Week Back!

The Christmas holidays are over and we have been working hard to get back into our routines. We also welcomed a new student to our classroom.
So what exactly have we been up to? A picture is worth a thousand words so...here you go!
Sorting buttons.  What is the sorting rule?
Sorting Mrs. A's button collection

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Welcome Back!

Welcome to 2017!  I hope everyone had a wonderful and restful holiday.  Homework starts this week and try to complete by Friday.  Thanks again!

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