Thursday, March 30, 2017

Area and Inferring

Today we worked with a partner to solve an EQAO area question.  We are getting better at answering questions thoroughly and showing our work. Here is the question we had to solve:
In Language, we created inferring photostories. Take a look at what we made. Can you figure out the correct story using your infering skills?
Made with Padlet

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Procedural Writing

Today, the class created a shared writing text-specifically a Procedural Text about a game we have played in gym.  Using Google Docs, we used our success criteria to create an example of a procedural text.  Check it out!

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Creativity Day this Friday

This Friday is Creativity Day (crazy hair, crazy colours, clothes inside out, use your imagination!).  All proceeds will go towards our Lenten Project-Change for Change.  Thanks in advance!

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Our Week in Review

Thanks for all the donations to our Lenten Project this week-the Shepherd's of Good Hope.  
We continue to work on perimeter in math and will be working on area next week.
Anchor chart
Andrew tried out the Ozobots this week after creating a triangle with a perimeter of 34 cm.
In Language this week, we listened to the story 'The Giving Tree' by Shel Silverstein.  Students were asked to infer what the tree represented in the story.

Here are their responses:

In writing, we are learning about how to do procedural writing.  The teacher wrote a procedural text about how to get ready for a winter recess ('s March but it is still COLD!).

Thanks to Sierra and Vincent for demonstrating how to properly get ready for recess!
Vincent remembers how cold it can be!
In Religion, we have been learning about mortal and venial sin and in Family Life (Fully Alive) we discussed our positions in our family.  We discussed what was the best thing about their position (oldest, middle or youngest) and what were some of the drawbacks to the position.
On Friday, during the Holy Redeemer Earth Hour, we created freestanding structures using straws and tape (scissors as well!).  Warren, Ben and Tomek were able to create a structure that was over 1 metre tall.
We also created Earth Hour ads to promote the one hour of lights off around the world!
During our Gym time, we were asked to create paper airplanes.  After creating and practicing, we competed to see who could throw their plane the furthest.  Arda managed to throw his over 8 metres. In fact, the wall of the gym stopped his airplane from going further!  Woo hoo! What a busy week!

Paper airplane flying contest

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Hat Day and Earth Hour

Tomorrow is Hat Day and Earth Hour at Holy Redeemer. Please wear your coolest (or silliest) hat and donate to our Lenten projects this year.  At the end of the day, the school will be participating in Earth Hour.  That means NO lights and NO electronics in our classroom.  We will be taking part in another STEM structure challenge.  Stay tuned for photos/videos of this activity!

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Perimeter and Lent

Not sure what Lent is all about?  Here is a great video to explain this very important time of the year!

In Math we continue to explore Perimeter and played a game of Kahoot to start our morning.  You can play it again here if you want! Enjoy!
Tomorrow is World Water Day.  Please wear blue to support the cause!

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

What We Have Been Up To

This morning we learned a new strategy for adding numbers- the hundred chart. It is similar to the open number line strategy in that you jump the appropriate number of tens and ones.

Students had the opportunity to practice their measurement skills during Math Stations today.  

We were lucky enough to have Scientist Renee visit us from Let's Talk Science to investigate building bridges.  After we looked at some examples of bridges, the class broke up into groups and had to design a bridge that could hold a load (books).  The bridge had to be both strong and stable.  Students were allowed to use whatever items they wanted (e.g., popsicle sticks, straws, toothpicks, duct tape, newspaper etc...).  Working as a team, they had about 35 minutes to construct their bridge before it was time to test their its strength and stability. Most of the bridges were able to hold 6 books! Great fun and we learned a lot about constructing bridges.

In Language, we created ads for our upcoming Twin Day to encourage students to donate to our Lenten Project.
Made with Padlet

Measurement, Reading Responses and Science

Today we went on measurement scavenger hunt around the classroom.  We found items and used rulers (or metre sticks) to measure our finds.  Afterwards, students had to create a PicCollage and upload it to our padlet.  Here is what we came up with!
Made with Padlet

In Language, we continue to work on answering questions from texts we read. The text was an EQAO reading from a few years ago called 'Prairie Dogs Have Their Own Towns'.
The EQAO readings follow a similar style: multiple choice and two questions that require students to use details from the text. Students are working on answering questions in complete sentences too. Tomorrow, we will get a chance to level our own work after checking out how EQAO marked answers to the questions.
In Science, we continue to explore structures and were invited to create a new house for the fourth little pig.  We will be working on this for the next few days.  Please bring in recycled materials to help with our structures!

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Ash Wednesday

Today we had our Ash Wednesday Liturgy and received the ashes.  On Friday, we will be collecting money for our Lenten Project so make sure you wear your favourite jersey.
What is Lent?  What is Ash Wednesday?  Here is a short video explaining everything...with LEGO figures!

In Math, our focus is on linear measurement (e.g., cm, m and km) and in Language, we will begin to learn about Procedural writing (How to...)

Jersey Day on Friday

Please bring in a small donation on Friday for our school Lenten Project:)

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