Tuesday, March 31, 2015

3D Solids Games and Stack, Slide and Roll

We are not sure if a cone and a cylinder have edges so we tweeted to math monkey.  Here is what they told us about edges:

Check out some great games to help you learn about solids!
Geometric Solids
Shapes Splat
Solid Shapes Matching Game
Buried 3D Shapes
3D Shapes
Prisms and Pyramids:Nets

Not sure which 3D solids can stack, slide or roll?  This video might help!

Monday, March 30, 2015

3D Solids Math Stations and Palm Sunday

Displaying PicCollageWe started our 3D solid math stations today.  Two of the groups used ipads to show their learning, while others used the Smartboard and good, old-fashioned worksheets!
Check out our blogs to see what we have been up to in math.

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We learned a little bit about Palm Sunday today.  Ask your child what it is all about.  If they forget, check out this awesome video that explains everything!

Want to play a 3D solid game?  Try this one!

Friday, March 27, 2015

Earth Hour

Don't forget to turn off the lights on Saturday at 8:30 for one hour!  We have been working hard to create LEGO movies to advertise this event.  Ms. Ng's class and our class worked collaboratively to create this public service announcements.  Check them out below:

At St. Cecilia, we turned off our lights last block!  We read, drew pictures and played with the geoboards! 

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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Asking Questions

We continue to work on the Asking Questions reading strategy.  Good readers should be asking questions before, during and after they read to help them better understand what they are reading.  We read the book 'Train to Somewhere' by Eve Bunting and stopped throughout the story to see if we had any questions.  The book is actually based on true events that happened a long time ago.  Check out our padlet with all of our questions! We think that the story had a happy ending.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Lego Figures and Stuffies

On Thursday, our class will begin to use the LEGO movie app to create a short PSA to advertise Earth Hour this upcoming weekend. Please bring in a lego figure or small stuffy to star in your movie!
What is Earth Hour?  Watch!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Symmetry and the Legend of the Three Trees

What is symmetry?  We made designs using pattern blocks and had to show at least one line of symmetry.  After, we posted our designs to our blogs here.  Please check them out and write a comment...we would love to read them!
Here is a great video to help you understand symmetry! Please remember to bring in your empty water bottle for our Easter craft on Wednesday:)

We watched the story of the "Legend of the Three Trees' and began to create our Easter 'Eggs' depicting what God's dream was for each of the trees.  Do you know what the author's message is?

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Have a great break!


Today we started to learn about symmetry but many students already remembered a lot from grade one. We wondered how many lines of symmetry were in a rectangle.  Many students thought there were four lines of symmetry but we discovered there were only two!  Here is a video to remind everyone what symmetry is all about!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Three Billy Goats Gruff...Finally!

I was finally able to get the last group to present their 'Three Billy Goats Gruff' play together.  After too many indoor recesses (too noisy to film) and illnesses (cast members absent), we met a few weeks ago to film the scenes.  Then I had problems with my green screen app but it turns out it was an apple problem.  All in all, their group did a great job and some cast members really know how to use their voices! Way to go!

Quality Blog Comments, Subtracting and a Goat!

Displaying IMG_2437.JPGWe are working on writing comments on other students blogs.  Most of us are able to write simple comments that don't give the reader feedback.  We are going to try and write level 3 or level 4 comments. Please check out some of our blogs and write a quality comment. Don't forget to use the most important word (according to Mrs. Addison!) BECAUSE!
We have raised enough money in our class to buy a goat for a needy family in a third world country.  We are lucky to have such generous children in our class. We can still bring in money before the March Break and maybe we can buy a friend for our goat!Displaying PicCollage

Watch Liam explain how to subtract with regrouping.  He is very good at explaining his thinking!

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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tangrams, The Wind in the Willows and Asking Questions

Today we read 'Grandfather Tang's Story' and learned about the Chinese tangram puzzle.  Ask your child how many and what kind of shapes are in a tangram.  We posted our tangrams to our blogs so be sure to check them out and leave a comment! Some students were able to figure out out to make a rectangle using all of their tangrams...way to go!
Later on, we got to watch the Rag and Bone theater company perform 'The Wind in the Willows'.
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We are learning about asking questions.  Good readers ask questions before, during and after they read a story.  It helps us to understand what we are reading.  We read the story 'A Day's Work' by Eve Bunting.  Here is our question padlet from that story:

Monday, March 9, 2015

March Newsletter, Polygons and Dancing!

Here is the March Newsletter...better late than never!  We have been learning about polygons and their geometric properties.  On Thursday, we made our own polygons after reading the book 'The Greedy Triangle'.

Take a look at our friend Lilly dancing...she has got the moves!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Crazy Hat Day

Don't forget that it is Crazy Hat Day tomorrow!  We have raised $17 so far for our goat. How much more money do we need to raise to get to $50?

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