Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Quality Blog Comments, Subtracting and a Goat!

Displaying IMG_2437.JPGWe are working on writing comments on other students blogs.  Most of us are able to write simple comments that don't give the reader feedback.  We are going to try and write level 3 or level 4 comments. Please check out some of our blogs and write a quality comment. Don't forget to use the most important word (according to Mrs. Addison!) BECAUSE!
We have raised enough money in our class to buy a goat for a needy family in a third world country.  We are lucky to have such generous children in our class. We can still bring in money before the March Break and maybe we can buy a friend for our goat!Displaying PicCollage

Watch Liam explain how to subtract with regrouping.  He is very good at explaining his thinking!

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