We are continuing to work on time to the quarter hour and money. Stop the Clock is an awesome game to practice these skills. Students should be able to represent money up to one dollar in grade two. Please check your child's blog to see what they were asked to do today in math class. In Language. we are working on using the inferring reading strategy. Today we read the book 'Duck on a Bike' by David Shannon. Near the end of story, I stopped and showed them a picture. We had to infer using picture clues and our background knowledge to think what might happen on the next page. Ask your child what happened! We think there might be a sequel to the book too:) Check out our padlet below:
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Mealworms and Time
We continue to make observations about our mealworms. If you have not yet brought in a small, glass jar with holes in the lid, please do so! The mealworms are still in their larva stage and it may take a few weeks for them to go into their pupa stage. Today we looked at the habitat we provided our mealworms with...a jar with oatmeal and a piece of fruit.
We are continuing to work on time to the quarter hour and money. Stop the Clock is an awesome game to practice these skills. Students should be able to represent money up to one dollar in grade two. Please check your child's blog to see what they were asked to do today in math class. In Language. we are working on using the inferring reading strategy. Today we read the book 'Duck on a Bike' by David Shannon. Near the end of story, I stopped and showed them a picture. We had to infer using picture clues and our background knowledge to think what might happen on the next page. Ask your child what happened! We think there might be a sequel to the book too:) Check out our padlet below:
We are continuing to work on time to the quarter hour and money. Stop the Clock is an awesome game to practice these skills. Students should be able to represent money up to one dollar in grade two. Please check your child's blog to see what they were asked to do today in math class. In Language. we are working on using the inferring reading strategy. Today we read the book 'Duck on a Bike' by David Shannon. Near the end of story, I stopped and showed them a picture. We had to infer using picture clues and our background knowledge to think what might happen on the next page. Ask your child what happened! We think there might be a sequel to the book too:) Check out our padlet below:
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Show Me the Money and Mealworms
We have just started our money unit and Archer brought in some coins from Australia. Some of them look like Canadian coins!
We also watched a cute song explaining the pictures that we see on our coins. The loonie and toonie had not been invented yet!
We also welcomed some very quiet new critters into our room...mealworms! Today we set up their habitats, providing them with oats and a small piece of fruit so they will have water. In a few weeks they should turn into darkling beetles:) Please remember to bring in a small piece of fruit (or they could share a snack!) each day!
We also watched a cute song explaining the pictures that we see on our coins. The loonie and toonie had not been invented yet!
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Earth Day
Today we celebrated Earth Day! We spent some time reading, drawing and watching our Dear Mother Earth tellegamis. In Language, we continue to work on inferring and are listening to the story 'Jacob Two-Two Meets the Hooded Fang'. We also had to fill out a collaborating checklist, thinking back to how we worked in our group creating our simple machine toy. At the end of the day we had a short (and easy) science quiz. Don't PD Day!
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Bio Poems and Signs of Spring Contest
Earth Week and Simple Machine Toy Project
Here is a reminder of our Earth Week activities and colours to wear! Don't forget to wear GREEN tomorrow! During our Movement inquiry in Science, students had to use an app (iMovie, LEGO movie, Pic Collage or Explain Everything) to showcase their toy that incorporated three simple machines. Each group member became an expert on one of the six simple machines. Together, they collaborated to design and create a toy. Later this week, I will post the groups pitches to Dragon's Den:) See below for examples of their final presentations:
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
Group 6
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
Group 6
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Letters to Mother Earth
Last week we wrote letters for Earth Week. Afterwards, we read our letters out loud and recorded them using the 'tellegami' app. Take a look!
During family life, we discussed how the world is a good place and how we can appreciate God's world. Here is what we cam up with!

During family life, we discussed how the world is a good place and how we can appreciate God's world. Here is what we cam up with!
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Cosmic Yoga-Star Wars Edition and Wear Sens Colours
Don't forget to wear your Sens colours tomorrow! Don't forget to bring in a jar with a few holes at the top for our new science unit- Growth and Changes in Animals!
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Go Sens Go! Inferring and Letter Writing
Have you seen this awesome video? I hope it inspires the Senators as they take on Montreal tonight! GO SENS GO!
Today, we wrote letters to Mother Earth thanking her for all her beauty. After, we used the app Tellegami to create avatars and record our letters, Stay tuned for some awesome examples of our 'gamis'!
We also played the game, 'What's in Mrs. A's Bag?'. All the clues led us to inferring where she was going...sunglasses, book, beach towel, flip flops...that's right...THE BEACH! She isn't really going to the beach and is happy to see the warm weather has finally arrived.
Monday, April 13, 2015
3D Skeletons and 'Easter Eggs'
Today we made 3D skeletons of solids using straws and clay. We posted our creations on the padlet below as well as to our kidblogs.
During Lent, we read the tale of the three trees and their dreams that did not become realized. We learned that God had a different plan for them. We created 'Easter Eggs' to show what they really became...a manger, a fishing boat and the cross that Jesus was crucified on.
During Lent, we read the tale of the three trees and their dreams that did not become realized. We learned that God had a different plan for them. We created 'Easter Eggs' to show what they really became...a manger, a fishing boat and the cross that Jesus was crucified on.
We continued to work on our simple machine toys and worked on our Dragon's Den promo video! A very busy day!
Friday, April 10, 2015
Collaboration...NOT! and Comparing Solids
For most of the year we have been learning how to collaborate and work with others. We have become so good at collaborating that we made videos using imovie (our first time) to show others what it looks like in our classroom. Make sure you watch the videos until the end!
Thursday, April 9, 2015
3D Solids and Adventure Narratives
In Language, we continue to work on writing better narratives. Today, we wrote an adventure narrative after watching a one minute video called 'Desert Island.' Together we wrote a narrative that included a problem and a solution. You will notice that we did not start our story with "Once upon a time..." or end with...THE END. Here is the video prompt:
And here is our finished narrative!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Dental Screening, Support the Sens and Earth Week Schedule
Monday, April 6, 2015
April News
The April Newsletter can be found here. Dental screening for all grade two students takes place this week at St. Cecilia. Please save a glass jar (spaghetti sauce kind or mason jar) with 4-5 holes on the lid. Make sure your child's name is on it too. We will be exploring the life cycle of a mealworm!
Odds 'n' Ends
I found some things on my phone and thought I would share! We have been learning about simple machines, playing Mission Possible and basketball in gym. Enjoy!
The Last Supper |
Thursday, April 2, 2015
The Last Supper, Happy Easter and More Elly!
On Holy Thursday, all of the grade two students gathered to break bread and reenact The Last Supper. After our opening prayer, we ate, drank and watch the Easter Story. Happy Easter to everyone!
I can't believe it! There is a Fairy Godmother flying around Elly! What is going on? And it's not even April Fool's Day!
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Elly App Smash and The Elusive Lirpa Loof Bird
Elly allowed me to do some stuff today...she was a good sport!
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