Friday, February 26, 2016

A Very Busy Friday!

Today we read a story called 'Ralph Tells a Story'.  Nothing ever happens to Ralph. So every day when it's time to write stories, Ralph thinks really hard.  He stares at his paper.  He stares at the ceiling.  But he has no stories!  With the help of his classmates, Ralph realizes that a great story can be about something very little...and that maybe he really does have some stories to tell.  We laughed so hard when we read this book and came up with some awesome stories that we could write about!
I really like the illustrations!
Here are just a few of the things we thought we could write about! Can't wait to read these stories when they are finished:)Displaying IMG_1342.JPGDisplaying IMG_1342.JPG
 In Math, we continue to investigate Polygons and their properties.  We already know quite a lot about polygons as you can see from our anchor chart:

We checked out the grade six Clean Water display in the foyer this morning.  Outside the gym there is a 20 L jug of water that many people in the world use to transport water.  It was very heavy and we only had to hold it for a few seconds! Many women and children have to walk 5 to 10 k each day just to get water for their family (the water is yucky too!). We listened to the story 'Clean Water for Elirose' and talked about how easy it is for us to have access to clean water.  After gym, some kids walked up to the water fountain to take a few sips of our cool and clean water!  Easy peasy! 
In Canada, we have access to clean water all the time. Not everyone is as lucky as we are!

Hritvik was our MonSTAR of the week and created a wonderful All About Me using Google Slides. Well done, Hritvik!

This week we read the book 'Imagine a Day' and wrote about our own imaginary day.  Please watch our book that we made:)

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