Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Allergy Alert, Inferring and Simple Machines

Please do not send in hummus to our classroom as we have a child who is allergic to sesame (which is sometimes in hummus).
This morning we had our Gospel Value Assembly.  The Gospel Value for April is Stewardship for Creation. Congratulations to Holly and Van who won for the month of March- Faith.

A BIG happy birthday to Jiwar who turned 8 today!

Today we listened (and looked at) to the story 'Just a Dream'. Walter is a litterbug who does not appreciate the beauty of nature or understand his role in keeping the planet healthy.  In the book he goes on a journey that shows what could happen to the Earth if humans are not more careful.  We did a lot of inferring to figure out what was going on in the story.  We used the picture clues and our schema to explain the pictures in the story.  A perfect book for Earth Week.

Today we dramatized some simple machines and our audience had to guess what we were.  We will finish this up on Friday:) Lots of fun! Here is a link for a great site about Simple Machines!

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