Friday, June 16, 2017

Incredibox and Kahoot!

We had so much fun exploring Incredibox on our Music Hyperdoc.  Take a listen to some of our creations!
Teagan 1
Teagan 2
DJ in The House
Backspin with Dad
DJ Yaya
Buble Face

We also got to compete to see who was a Plant expert playing our Kahoot.  If you want to test your Plant here! Good luck!

Monday, June 12, 2017

What's Up?

Important Reminders
- Wear RED on Friday for Jump Rope for Heart
- Bring a water bottle to school
- overdue library books due

We have been very busy!  We are working on multiplication, division, subtraction, fractions AND probability in math!  Today we started to create fair games to play later this week.

Our Fairy Tale Tableaux are ready to present (just as soon as everyone is at school).  We will also be preparing for a Reader's Theatre later this week.

In Science, we have been watching plants grow and working on our Google Hyperdoc.  Today, to beat the heat, we came inside to make "flowers" in the Learning Commons. 

In Health, we looked at various scenarios involving drugs and alcohol.  We discussed refusal techniques we shared refusal techniques we might use.
Finally...we had  a fire drill today and we aced it!  Way to go Grade 3!

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Pentecost and Probability

Yesterday we explored Pentecost and what it mean.  We learned that it is basically the birthday of the Church!
We also watched a couple of videos to further explain the meaning.  This year, Pentecost was on June 4th.

In Math, we have been exploring probability through games and discussions.  On Thursday, students can bring in a fidget spinner for a probability activity.  We will be consolidating our learning from yesterday about a game we played called 'Race to the Top'.  We are trying to figure out whether or not it is a fair game to all the numbers on a dice (2 to 6).  What do you think?

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Week in Pictures & Videos

EQAO is over...we did our best! Happy Dance!
Please bring in donations for Jump Rope for Heart!

Lima Beans are growing!
Our bean seeds are sprouting 

Persuasive Writing


Be Yourself!  Lima Beans Rule!

Fairy Tale Tableau

Using Mystery Science to explore seed pods

EQAO completed!

Play Structure being built

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Jump Rope for Heart

Please donate to the Jump Rope for Heart fundraiser.  We will be skipping in June! You are encouraged to donate online:)  Thanks so much!

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Plant Unit

On Friday, we planted lima beans in a cd case and regular beans in a pot.  We are launching our new science unit-Growth and Changes in Plants.  The Big Ideas for this unit our:
1. Plants have distinct characteristics.
2. There are similarities and differences among various types of plants.
3. Plants are the primary source of food for humans.
4. Humans need to protect plants and their habitats.
5. Plants are important to the planet.

After planting, students were asked to complete a padlet about what they knew about plants, what they wonder about plants (and soil) and what they have learned.  Take a peek!
Made with Padlet

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

EQAO Prep Info and Other Stuff!

Persuasive writing
Here is a document for parents from EQAO regarding the upcoming test!

In Math, we have been working on 3D shapes, transformational geometry and probability!  Phew!
Today, we drew our hands on construction paper and practiced translations (slides). rotations (turns) and reflections (flips).

Today we worked on a persuasive writing letter to Mr. Rodgers.  With a partner, students had to research the benefits of peppermint gum and test taking.  The purpose of the writing piece is to persuade (convince) our principal to allow students to chew peppermint gum (or mints) during our testing period. Let's hope we can convince him to let us chew gum in class!

Working with a partner to write a persuasive letter to Mr. Rodgers

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