Monday, June 12, 2017

What's Up?

Important Reminders
- Wear RED on Friday for Jump Rope for Heart
- Bring a water bottle to school
- overdue library books due

We have been very busy!  We are working on multiplication, division, subtraction, fractions AND probability in math!  Today we started to create fair games to play later this week.

Our Fairy Tale Tableaux are ready to present (just as soon as everyone is at school).  We will also be preparing for a Reader's Theatre later this week.

In Science, we have been watching plants grow and working on our Google Hyperdoc.  Today, to beat the heat, we came inside to make "flowers" in the Learning Commons. 

In Health, we looked at various scenarios involving drugs and alcohol.  We discussed refusal techniques we shared refusal techniques we might use.
Finally...we had  a fire drill today and we aced it!  Way to go Grade 3!

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