On Wednesday, we conducted a pumpkin inquiry in the red pod. We brainstormed adjectives to describe the two big pumpkins. One of the first things we did was to open up the pumpkins and count all the seeds. First, we estimated how many seeds were in the pumpkins and then we sorted in an efficient way (counting by 10s is way faster than 2s and 5s). We ended up with over one thousand pumpkin seeds!
Later in the day, Mrs. Addison lugged the two gigantic pumpkins into the room to be weighed by Ms. Ng.
One pumpkin weighed 43 pounds and the other one weighed 33 pounds. We figured that the larger pumpkin was heavier because 4 tens is more than 3 tens. Pumpkin #1 was ten pounds heavier than pumpkin #2.
We read the poem 'Pumpkin Seeds' together as well. Please listen to us read the poem together
Ask your child if seeds will grow inside of you (or listen to the answer in the shared reading).