Thursday, October 30, 2014

Progress Reports and Hoot n Howl

Progress reports went home tonight.  Please sign the second page and return it in the envelope. The Grade Two classes had their second annual Hoot n Howl all day.  We also had the Duct Tape Challenge streamed live at St. Cecilia and yes...Mr. Rodgers and Mrs. Green were actually taped to the wall!  Their feet were not touching the ground either!

After the challenge...the duct tape!
They survived the challenge!
Nadine was a winner at 'BOO'Go! (Halloween Bingo...thanks Archer!)
Water cycle video preview

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Pumpkin Day

On Wednesday, we conducted a pumpkin inquiry in the red pod.  We brainstormed adjectives to describe the two big pumpkins.  One of the first things we did was to open up the pumpkins and count all the seeds.  First, we estimated how many seeds were in the pumpkins and then we sorted in an efficient way (counting by 10s is way faster than 2s and 5s).  We ended up with over one thousand pumpkin seeds!

Later in the day, Mrs. Addison lugged the two gigantic pumpkins into the room to be weighed by Ms. Ng.
One pumpkin weighed 43 pounds and the other one weighed 33 pounds.  We figured that the larger pumpkin was heavier because 4 tens is more than 3 tens.  Pumpkin #1 was ten pounds heavier than pumpkin #2.

We read the poem 'Pumpkin Seeds' together as well.  Please listen to us read the poem together here:)
Ask your child if seeds will grow inside of you (or listen to the answer in the shared reading).

Secondary Colour Art and Hoot n Howl

Black Cat Behind Jack-O-LanternDon't forget to wear orange and/or black tomorrow for Hoot n Howl! Listen to our shared reading of Fall Leaves and then check our our secondary colour art:) Tomorrow we will be rotating to all the grade two classes to participate in fun (and educational) Halloween-themed activities.  Stay tuned for some photos!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Recounts and Reminders

We are working on writing good recounts. Yesterday, during shared writing, we wrote a recount of our water cycle music video.  Take a look at what we came up with! At the end of the day, the students were asked to work in groups of three to write a recount of what we did in gym.  We didn't have time to finish...hopefully, we will get a chance tomorrow!

Halloween Dance-A-Thon pledge money is due
Wear Orange and/or Black on Thursday

Monday, October 27, 2014

Rounding Numbers

We continue with the concept of rounding numbers but some of us are still a little confused.  Here is a great hundreds chart that will help your child to decide whether to round up or round down.  Try playing this game or this game to see how you are doing!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Hoot n Howl this Thursday

Black Cat Behind Jack-O-LanternPlease read about our Hoot n Howl event which will be taking place this week.  Your son/daughter will have brought home information about this very exciting day.  If they have misplaced the note, check out all the information you need about this event here!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Rounding to Ten

We are learning about rounding to the nearest ten (benchmark numbers like 10,20,30...).  We watched a great video today and made an anchor chart to help us understand this concept.  Please review with your child if you get a chance!
Here is the video we watched this morning to help us get this tough concept:)

We also had our first Google Hangout with a grade 4/5 class from St. Augustine.  Thanks to Mrs. Lacelle's class for their preparation. They asked us questions about our school and the book so far.  Our classes did a very good job of listening and answering their questions.  We will definitely be doing more hangouts!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Water Cycle, Rounding Numbers and Canned Food Drive

We watched another great video explaining the water cycle. Later, we worked in groups to create our own water cycle posters.  We are collecting rotisserie chicken containers (winner, winner, chicken dinner!) for the groups to make their own water cycle.  The containers look like this...(you could also send in croissant containers)

We are trying to reach 3000 canned goods by October 27th.  Archer figured the school needs to raise 350 more cans to reach this goal. We already have 2650 cans filling the learning commons!  Way to go, St. Cecilia!


We also learned about rounding numbers to the nearest ten. We played a game to help us understand the concept.  Students were given numbers and had to decide if they were going to round down or round up to the nearest ten.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Water Cycle and Fall Leaves

Today, we watched a short video on the water cycle.  Don't forget to practice the song from yesterday for our music video! Great new too...St. Cecilia has brought in over 2000 canned goods for the Barrhaven Food Cupboard.  We are in 4th place for duct taping but there are a few more days before the winners are announced.  Keep bringing them in if you 'can'!

We just finished painting our secondary colour trees (will post pictures soon!) and during shared reading we learned a poem about fall leaves.  Listen to us choral read the poem here. We mixed the primary colours to make our secondary colours. Our fall trees were made using orange, green and purple (my favourite colour).  They look beautiful and we have received many compliments.  

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Water Cycle Video

We are learning about the water cycle.  Today, we listened to a song about the cycle and are going to make our own music video.  Here is the song so you can practice the lyrics!

We are still collecting canned goods for the Barrhaven Food Cupboard.  The kids were asked to figure out how many cans both classes have brought in so far.  Take a look at what we came up with! We brought in A LOT of cans and a lot of families will benefit from our generosity!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

We Scare Hunger and Litterless Lunch

Don't forget to keep bringing in canned goods or non-perishable items for the Barrhaven Food Cupboard.  There are only a few more days left until we decide who gets to duct tape Mrs. Green and Mr. Rodgers to the wall!  Maybe this video will inspire you?

Don't forget to bring in litterless lunches this week!  Yu Han wrote about our recycling assembly on Friday:)

Friday, October 17, 2014

Race to 50

We played a nifty game today called Race to 50.  It was a lot of fun and we learned a lot too!

Fire Safety and Eco-Assembly

Last week was Fire Prevention week.  In your child's agenda, you will find a fire safety pamphlet. Here is the informative video we watched this afternoon:

Did you know that St. Cecilia is a certified gold eco-school?  Today, we had an assembly in the gym to go over the 3 Rs  (reduce, reuse and recycle).  Next week, students are encouraged to bring in litterless lunches. Afterwards we had a garbage audit.  We did very well but some of us are still putting kleenex, paper towels and food in the garbage can instead of the compost bin.  Mrs. Addison has decided to do this to the garbage can in the class...

That's right! She turned it upside down!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Waste Free Lunch Challenge and Visualizing

Next week, our school will be taking part in the Waste-Free Lunch Challenge. Please read about this initiative here.  Try to pack a litterless lunch every day just like these friends do!

During Shared Reading, we read the poem "Autumn Bird Song" and worked on our expression.  We also talked about how "visualization" can help a reader understand the story better.  Afterwards, we drew a picture of what we visualized in our Reading Response notebook.  P. S. Did you know a flock means a lot of birds?

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Primary/Secondary Colours and Raz Kids too!

Today we learned about Primary and Secondary colours.  We read the story "Mouse Paint" and sang a colour mixing song to help us remember. Most of us already knew our colours including the secondary colours (purple, green and orange).  In our art portfolio, we created our own colour wheels.

Later, we listened to the story "The Perfect Thanksgiving" by Eileen Spinelli (she read the story to us too!).  We also read another chapter in the GRA (Global Read Aloud) book "The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane".  Ask your child if they can tell you what has happened so far.

A note went home tonight in your child's agenda about Raz Kids login information.  Raz Kids is an online reading program where you can access leveled books at your child's just right reading level. Tomorrow, I will have the children select their password to access their account. Here is our link to our Raz Kid account... 
Mrs. Addison's Class

Yesterday, we had a Math Inquiry about which number was bigger...56 or 65.  Groups had to prove why they thought one number was bigger than the other.  Check out our Flipagram!

We also have access to our Dreambox accounts to practice our math skills.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Important Dates and Sesame

Fall parent sacrament meeting (parents only)in the Parish Hall at St. Monica Parish, 2080 Merivale Rd. on Thursday, October 16 at 7:30 pm.  Photos went home today and the retake day is on Tuesday, October 28th.Tomorrow we will be having a Thanksgiving Mass at 10:45 in the gym.  All are welcome!
I will be sending home assessment work via Sesame.  I will be taking photos of student work and sending it to parents via their email.  Please let me know if you are receiving these assessments (leave a note in the agenda).  Thanks again!

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