Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Primary/Secondary Colours and Raz Kids too!

Today we learned about Primary and Secondary colours.  We read the story "Mouse Paint" and sang a colour mixing song to help us remember. Most of us already knew our colours including the secondary colours (purple, green and orange).  In our art portfolio, we created our own colour wheels.

Later, we listened to the story "The Perfect Thanksgiving" by Eileen Spinelli (she read the story to us too!).  We also read another chapter in the GRA (Global Read Aloud) book "The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane".  Ask your child if they can tell you what has happened so far.

A note went home tonight in your child's agenda about Raz Kids login information.  Raz Kids is an online reading program where you can access leveled books at your child's just right reading level. Tomorrow, I will have the children select their password to access their account. Here is our link to our Raz Kid account... 
Mrs. Addison's Class

Yesterday, we had a Math Inquiry about which number was bigger...56 or 65.  Groups had to prove why they thought one number was bigger than the other.  Check out our Flipagram!

We also have access to our Dreambox accounts to practice our math skills.

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