Thursday, October 23, 2014

Water Cycle, Rounding Numbers and Canned Food Drive

We watched another great video explaining the water cycle. Later, we worked in groups to create our own water cycle posters.  We are collecting rotisserie chicken containers (winner, winner, chicken dinner!) for the groups to make their own water cycle.  The containers look like this...(you could also send in croissant containers)

We are trying to reach 3000 canned goods by October 27th.  Archer figured the school needs to raise 350 more cans to reach this goal. We already have 2650 cans filling the learning commons!  Way to go, St. Cecilia!


We also learned about rounding numbers to the nearest ten. We played a game to help us understand the concept.  Students were given numbers and had to decide if they were going to round down or round up to the nearest ten.

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