Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Healthy Eating and Amphibians
Today we created Healthy Eating posters. After creating a success criteria, we had the choice of either using Pic Collage or paper to create our poster. Here are some of the posters we created.
We investigated amphibians today and discovered that they all have backbones, are cold-blooded and need water to live. Did you know that the word 'amphibian' means "two lives"? They are called amphibians because they live on the land and in the water.
Monday, May 30, 2016
Insects, Non-Fiction Writing and Brain Buster
Please check your child's agenda for an important note about our trip to Baxter Conservation area on Friday:)
Today we learned all about insects while watching a video. Ask your child what they know about insects! We also learned how to write a non-fiction paragraph about bats and how to include everything from our success criteria. Later on. we are going to work with a partner to research and write a paragraph to share with the classes. Check it out!In math, we will be having a money quiz on Tuesday. Today's Brain Buster was all about figuring out what money I found under my bed. Here is how we solved it!
Friday, May 27, 2016
Animal Classification
Yesterday we worked on investigating the six different animal classifications (or groups). We looked at characteristics, diet, life cycles and interesting facts about our animal groups. The goal of the activity was to become an expert about that specific animal group. Then we split up into another group to share our findings with other experts. Hopefully, in the end, we will have learned about the six classes of animals from our peers. This is called a jigsaw activity:) Click here to play this cool game!
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Stress and Non-Fiction Text Features
Today Mrs. Gordon came to visit us to talk about stress. We learned that everyone has stress and that some stress is okay. We also discovered that not everyone gets stressed about the same things. Mrs. Gordon was a little stressed when she saw our mealworms.
Mrs. Gordon also taught us a new breathing strategy (my favourite!) called the five finger. Ask your child how to do it! We also watched 'The Power of Yet'.
After finishing up a narrative, we worked with a partner to go on a non-fiction text feature scavenger hunt.
After finishing up a narrative, we worked with a partner to go on a non-fiction text feature scavenger hunt.
Friday, May 20, 2016
Today, with a partner, we were asked to answer the following two questions and post our findings to padlet. The two questions were: 1. What do all animals need to live? and 2. How do scientists sort/group/classify animals? After posting, we got together in a 'knowledge-building circle' (not really a circle since we are such a large group) and discussed our findings. Some students were on task and answered the questions to the best of their abilities. Other students are working on answering the questions then finding a picture that matches their writing.
I went to Pet Smart today to get some more mealworms and found these interesting critters!
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Jessica's Coin Problem and Mealworms
This math problem was very challenging for most of the groups. You could only use 10 coins and there had to be 3 different types. We are encouraged to check over our work. If Plan A does not work than we go to Plan B:)
Here are some great videos about Canadian money. Enjoy!
Mathies is a great site for exploring Canadian money, You can find it here or get it at the app store!
Isaac and I figured out how to take a screenshot of our money too:) We went to the chrome store and found an extension to add to the chrome book. Woo Hoo!
We continue to explore our mealworms. Some mealworms are already turning into pupas!
In Language, we explored non-fiction books to see how they are the same. We noticed that they have photos (or illustrations), table of contents, glossaries, index and talk about real things in the world.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
SEL Workshop with Mrs. Gordon, Area and Mealworms
Mrs. Gordon visited our class today. She taught us another breathing technique called 'Figure 8'. Ask your child how to do this calming activity. We also got to use animals to teach us about how our brains work. We watched a video by Jeanette Yoffe.
We also learned about what happens when we get angry. The video teaches us some techniques (like just breathing) to calm and relax your brain so your anger does not get our of control. When your friend is upset you should wait until their 'sparkles' have settled and they are calmer.
We also learned this catchy song!
We also continue to explore area and money problems.
Our mealworms are nicely settled in their glass jars. Today we made lots of observations such as what they look like, smell like and sound like. Some of them look as if they are in the pupa stage. When I bought them from the pet store, they did look more 'mature' than I am used too! Still wondering if the giant mealworms will turn into giant beetles. I hope our jars are big enough!
Video to follow when the internet improves:)
In Language, we listened to the Giving Tree by Shell Silverstein (a wonderful story with a timeless message) and made inferences about the story.
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