Wednesday, May 18, 2016

SEL Workshop with Mrs. Gordon, Area and Mealworms

Mrs. Gordon visited our class today.  She taught us another breathing technique called 'Figure 8'.  Ask your child how to do this calming activity.  We also got to use animals to teach us about how our brains work.  We watched a video by Jeanette Yoffe.

We also learned about what happens when we get angry.  The video teaches us some techniques (like just breathing) to calm and relax your brain so your anger does not get our of control. When your friend is upset you should wait until their 'sparkles' have settled and they are calmer.
We also learned this catchy song!
We also continue to explore area and money problems.
Our mealworms are nicely settled in their glass jars.  Today we made lots of observations such as what they look like, smell like and sound like.  Some of them look as if they are in the pupa stage. When I bought them from the pet store, they did look more 'mature' than I am used too! Still wondering if the giant mealworms will turn into giant beetles.  I hope our jars are big enough!
Video to follow when the internet improves:)
In Language, we listened to the Giving Tree by Shell Silverstein (a wonderful story with a timeless message) and made inferences about the story.

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