Wednesday, May 11, 2016

SEL, Money and Gym

An important note was sent home today regarding the trip to Baxter.  Please return it as soon as possible! If you have not returned the permission form, please return before the end of the week.
A parent is willing to volunteer but needs transportation to Baxter.  If you are willing to carpool, please let me know and I will get you in touch with the parent.  Thanks in advance!
Today Mrs. Gordon visited us again to talk about our feelings and zones of regulation.  We practiced a new breathing method Square Breathing.  Ask your child how to do it!

Mrs. Gordon read the book 'The Way I Feel' and we tried to figure out which of the four zones of regulation each feeling fit into:)

In Math, we continue to work on perimeter and money.  Today we got into groups and had to find three ways to represent money.

In Religion we listened to the story of Zacchaeus and in Gym we continue to work on our skipping skills in preparation for Jump Rope for Heart in June.  Stayed tuned for more information!
Today we wrote Bio Poems about ourselves and took selfies to go with them.  

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