Friday, April 28, 2017

Angles. Drama, Structures and Writing

In Grade Three, students are expected to be able to compare angles to a right angle (90 degrees, looks like the letter L).  Is the angle larger than a right angle (obtuse) or smaller than a right angle (acute)? We made Angle Monsters to solidify our understanding of this concept- MATH + ART! Using Plickers is a quick way to assess whether or not we can identify angles.  We totally rocked this one!

In Drama, we are learning about creating a tableau.  A tableau is a living picture.  Students need to remain still and quiet- essentially freezing a moment. Students are encouraged to use facial expression and varying levels (high, medium and low) to represent a scene. After getting into groups, they were all given a scene to perform-a rollercoaster.  It was so nice outside we ended up creating our scenes in our backyard! We seem to have a very talented group of actors in our classroom!

In Science, we are finishing up our unit of strong and stable structures.  We used the website Mystery Science to investigate bridge design and had to create a strong bridge that would hold pebbles.  On Friday, we had a STEM challenge after reading the story of  'Nanabush Builds a Shelter for Animal Brother'.  The challenge involved creating a shelter for an animal using craft sticks, string, glue, paper, toothpicks and tape.  We ran out of time and will finish our shelters on Monday.  It is wonderful to see all the collaborating and creativity in their structures! 

 We have spent some time learning about one of the most famous structures in the world-the Eiffel Tower.  The triangles in the tower are not only beautiful but they make it strong and stable.  We conducted a couple of experiments to show how the force of the wind blows through the structure.  The box with more surface area was blown over by the wind.  The box with triangular cut outs was able to remain upright!

Be sure to come and check out our 'Best Part of Me' writing and video as well as our Earth Day letters during the Open House at school next Friday!

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