Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Area Kahoot! and Other Stuff

Students played Kahoot this morning to review Area.  If you want to try the game at home you can find it here. We continue to learn strategies to find the area of irregular polygons.
Today, with partners, students were asked to level the reading responses to the EQAO reading assessment 'The Eurasian Eagle Owl'.  After going over the multiple choice questions, the job was to assess answers given by other students in Ontario to the written responses.  They had to level them from a code 10 (1) to code 40 (4) and give valid reasons for their decisions.  Tomorrow, we will look over what each group gave the answers...will be interesting to see how many got the same level!
Tickled Pink, Green to Grow
If you would like to take a look at the text, you can read it here!
In Science, we have been exploring stability- a structures ability to maintain balance and stay in one place.  We conducted an experiment with three tubes-small, medium and large.  When they were shaken, the large tube fell first.  After adding some beans to the base, we discovered that the tubes became more stable. Tall structures need to have a good base to hold them down or they will topple over.
The tall tube always fell over first!
Students are finishing up their slide for our collaborative Famous Structures Google Slideshow.  They will get an opportunity to share their structure with the calls when we are all done:)
 In Religion, we read the story of 'Cain and Abel' and how Cain turned away from God.

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