Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Health Nurse, Challenge and Science Stations

This morning we had a presentation from our Ottawa Public Health Nurse Kim.  She talked to us about medicine safety.  We discussed what we do if we are sick, how to prevent getting sick, prescription medicine, and non-prescription medicine.

Afterwards, we took part in the Marshmallow/Spaghetti Challenge. We had to construct a freestanding structure (using spaghetti, tape and string) with a marshmallow on top! On top of that, we had only 18 minutes to construct our structure. Two groups were able to build their marshmallow building and have it stand for at least one second. Some advice they gave to the other groups were to tape the spaghetti to the table or bundle all the spaghetti together at the bottom. Another group found that by creating four legs, their structure was more stable and did not fall down. One of Ms. Ng's group was able to create a structure that was 52 cm tall! Well done! All in all, we learned that we had to work together and if something did work the first time, to persevere and try something else.

This afternoon, we began our Science Stations for Air and Water.  Before we began our inquiries, we had to come up with some safety rules before we got started. We certainly had a lot of background knowledge of how to play it safe when conducting experiments!  Some of the groups are learning how to use their Google Drive to access videos and files that Mrs. A has put in their Science folders. Other groups are conducting experiments or learning how to be Water Wise.  Students have been given a lot of choice in how to show their learning (ex. Explain Everything, poster, piccollage).  Due to a fire drill, most of the kids were unable to post completed work to their blogs.  Hopefully, we will be able to catch up tomorrow and continue on our inquiries:)

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