Monday, November 16, 2015

Van Gogh, Picasso, Badly Drawn Dog and Science

Congratulations to Van and Grace for wining the Community Gospel Value certificate for the month of October!
In math, we began our patterning stations and some of us were able to post our work to our blogs. Later, we did a mini-artist unit on Van Gogh and Picasso.  We learned a lot about them and their style of painting.  It is hard to believe that Van Gogh only sold one painting in his entire life! Afterwards. we read the book Badly Drawn Dog.  Badly drawn dog does not look the way he would like and gets changed into various styles of 'dog' (a Picasso-esque dog and a Van Gogh-esque dog).  We agreed that the author's message was to probably be proud of what you look like and don't try to be like everyone else! Students decided that they would like to create their very own badly drawn dog and choose the style in which to represent it.
Here is the Google Slideshow Mrs. A made about the artists.  You can watch a cute video at the end too!
In Science, we continue to investigate air and water.  After we went over the science stations for this week and next week, we created a padlet about how people, animals and plants use air and water.  We sure did know a lot of information!

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