Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Making Connections, Adjectives, Michigan and Turkey Tag

Today we practiced our doubles in math (1-5 and 6-10).  We also were given a math problem to solve with a partner.  There were lots of strategies to solve the question and we will share them tomorrow.

Mrs. Mastin's class in Michigan was able to prove their answer using base ten.  They tweeted their answer to us.  Take a peek!

In Language, we continue to work on connections and adjectives.  We read the story "Wemberly Worried" and students made lots of text to self connections. 

Our Making Connections padlet keeps growing...

We listened to the story 'The Very Cranky Bear' and created an adjective anchor chart about adjectives.

We have been looking at adjectives and how they make our writing more descriptive.  Students had the opportunity to explore the Popplet app with a friend.  They had to think of a noun and brainstorm as many adjectives as they could to describe the noun. Many chose to describe their friend (we had modelled an example with Mrs. Lee) and below you will find some good examples.  Enjoy!

In gym, we played turkey tag...ask your child how to play it!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Math Monkey Tweeted Back!

Today, we got to visit (via video) Mrs. Mastin's classroom in Boyne City, Michigan.  It was huge and every child had their own ipad!  We are looking forward to learning more about this grade two class!
Math Monkey responded to our tweet about the 30 leaves (red, orange and yellow).  Math Monkey was correct...there is more than one way to solve this problem:) See below!
Here is a picture of another class we will be blogging with...

Monday, September 28, 2015

Primary Blogging Community and All the Jazz

Today our class began our involvement in the Primary Blogging Community.  This is a place where elementary students from around Canada and the US can use their blogs to communicate with each other.  This morning we got to read all about Mrs. Mastin's Grade 2 class in Michigan.  We are so excited to be a part of this awesome group!  Yee Haw! Here is what they wrote to us:

We talked about what makes a good blog comment and came up with lots of great ideas such as asking a question and introducing yourself.  Here is what we wrote back to them:

Through Twitter, we sent a picture of our class.  We hope to do lots of connecting this week and will begin to use our own blogs next week.  Can't wait to read the comments from everyone!

Group 1 and Group 5 finished their Good Friends trailer today (indoor recess!!!).  Take a look!

We have been talking a lot about Growth Mindset these past few weeks.  We came up with a chart to help us change our negative thoughts into positive ones:)

In Math, we consolidated the leaves inquiry from last week.  Students came up to show how they solved the problem.  Is there another way to solve the problem?

Do you have another way to solve this problem?
We continue to work on the Reading Strategy of Making Connections.  At the end of the day, we read the story 'Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun'.  We only had a few minutes to make connections and we posted them on a Padlet wall.

Friday, September 25, 2015

All About Me and Making Connections

This morning, we finished working on our All About Me slides with our Grade 6 tech buddies.  We will show each student's slideshow when it is their turn to be the 'Star of the Week'.  We will also put it up on the blog for mom and dad to see too!
Group 3 was able to finish their 'Good Friends' imovie trailer.  They are excited for everyone to see what they made so here it is:

We have been looking at the Making Connections reading strategy.  This afternoon, we read A Weekend with Wendell and we talked about what the story reminded us of in our own lives. It seems like a lot of brothers and sisters are bothering each other at home:) Take a look at some of our connections!
Image result for weekend with wendell

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Accessing Google Drive, Imovie and Schema

Image result for franco ontarian day 2015Your son/daughter has begun to use their Google gmail in class.  Students can access their Drive from home using their email.
first name.last
They know their password and should try to keep it secret:)
Today we continued to work on our imovie Friend trailers.  Only one group was able to complete it and were excited to share it with the world! it is!

In Language, we are focusing on our schema (our background knowledge that helps us understand things).  Here is the schema for our two classes!

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