Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Making Connections, Adjectives, Michigan and Turkey Tag

Today we practiced our doubles in math (1-5 and 6-10).  We also were given a math problem to solve with a partner.  There were lots of strategies to solve the question and we will share them tomorrow.

Mrs. Mastin's class in Michigan was able to prove their answer using base ten.  They tweeted their answer to us.  Take a peek!

In Language, we continue to work on connections and adjectives.  We read the story "Wemberly Worried" and students made lots of text to self connections. 

Our Making Connections padlet keeps growing...

We listened to the story 'The Very Cranky Bear' and created an adjective anchor chart about adjectives.

We have been looking at adjectives and how they make our writing more descriptive.  Students had the opportunity to explore the Popplet app with a friend.  They had to think of a noun and brainstorm as many adjectives as they could to describe the noun. Many chose to describe their friend (we had modelled an example with Mrs. Lee) and below you will find some good examples.  Enjoy!

In gym, we played turkey tag...ask your child how to play it!


  1. We are going to be using Popplet today, too! We will post them on our KidBlog.

    Mrs. Dismuke's Class

  2. Hi, we are your blogging buddies from Florida. We look forward to getting to know you in the next month. We really enjoyed your video! How did you design your video? We are learning about schema and making connections as well! How did you make your graphic organizers about friends. It looks like your class uses a lot of technology! We are learning to use ours! It was fun to see your photos too, it helps us to see what you look like. Is the bear your mascot? We look forward to reading your student blogs soon!

  3. Hattie says that the adjective project looks really cool. Brayden says, "you have a nice classroom." Amelia says "You do nice writing!" Declan says, "That's really awesome!"

    Your friends,
    Mrs. Mastin's clas


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