Friday, October 30, 2015

One More Sleep!


We had a very busy Friday!  In the morning, Mr. Charles' class came in to help us learn how to use Google Drawing. We created a short, two-line poem and decorated our boring pumpkins.  You can find your pumpkin in your google drive (see Visual Arts) folder.

We also used the Chromville app (free) to make our 'creatures' come to life!  Really! You can print off paper from their site on your computer just don't colour over the black lines.
At the end of the day, some of the students counted the seeds from our BIG, Medium and small pumpkins.  They had a great strategy to organize their counting...they grouped them into groups of ten.  What a great idea!  The big pumpkin had 960 seeds, the medium had 800 seeds and the small pumpkin had only 360 seeds.

Oh yeah...and there was the Dance-a-Thon too during second block.  We also beat our goal of 100 canned goods by 188 cans.  Amazing and thank you!
And oops!  Progress Reports go home on November 6th...not 4th!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Busy Day!

To day, we learned how to green screen our monsters we made at the beginning of the week.
We are going to take our descriptive writing (about our monster) and record our voices on imovie.  Stay Tuned!
This afternoon, we continued to work at our Literacy Stations.  Some friends were writing stories, some groups were reading and others were using the piccollage app to create posters for handwashing (and uploading to their blog).
We have collected 174 cans so far...we have one more day!  Can we do it?
This week, for the GRA15, we read the book "Exclamation Mark" by Amy Krouse Rosenthal.  Thank you to Mrs. Denyer's class for posting their ideas too. Here is our padlet of ideas!  P.S.  We didn't get to finish it so you are more than welcome to add your ideas:)

Lastly, don't forget to hand in your Dance-a-Thon pledges and wear your costume tomorrow (no weapons or masks please).

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Be sure to check your kidblogs!  Mrs. Mastin's class has posted some comments for you!

Sorry for the homework delay! Technical difficulties!  Homework has been given to your child. They are going to glue it in the proper place in their homework notebooks:) It will be due on Friday instead of Thursday.

We now have 68 cans brought in for We Scare Hunger.  Nduku calculated that we need 32 more cans to reach our goal of...

Check out this PowToon...maybe it will inspire you!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Welcome Primary Blogging Community

A big Ottawa "hello" to our primary blogging friends in the United States.  Here is a peek at our classroom!  It is a long video (used for Meet the Teacher) so just fast forward. We would love to have some comments too:)


The Halloween Dance-a-Thon is this Friday!  Please return pledge forms to the school by October 30th.  This is an important Parent Council fundraiser and is also a LOT of fun.  Students are allowed to wear their costumes (no masks, swords etc.)  Thanks again for your support!

Friday, October 23, 2015

Recreate the Water Cycle, #mtgr2 and All About Justin

Amy tweeted back to Cam!
If you want to recreate the water cycle experiment we did on Thursday, you will need a kettle, a tin cup, ice, a see through class jar and a kettle (with boiling water).
For our Brain Buster today, we were asked a question and had to post our answers to #mtgr2 on Twitter.  Here is the padlet, with our solutions to the question.  Do you have another way to answer it?

We had another fire drill today and we did a good job of getting out of the school quickly (and quietly).  After we came back in the classroom, Justin did his 'Star of the Week' presentation.  Here is his All About Me made on Google Slides.

Finally, we consolidated a math problem from a few days ago.  How can you make the number 60 using base ten?  We came up with lots of ways! PS...we got tired of dragging the ones over so we just wrote the number of ones:)

Thursday, October 22, 2015

It's Not Fair! The Water Cycle and Reminders

We got a tweet back from Amy Krouse Rosenthal (our author study for the Global Read Aloud). Pretty cool to have a famous author write back to us!
Today, we created our own "It's Not Fair!" pages for a book we are creating.  It should be ready by next week...just in time for Hallowe'en.
In Science, we had just enough time to do a quick water cycle experiment and record our observations.  First, we boiled water (like the sun heating up a lake) and then put ice cubes in a tuna can.  The water vapour rose and condensation formed on the bottom of the can.  Can you guess what started to happen to the water droplets?  You are started to rain!  Some unlucky students got a little wet! Thanks Rubi for the great photos.  Clark also went outside to take a photo of a big puddle in the school yard.  I wonder what will happen to it?
Evaporation-when the water vapour rises into the air (ice cubes were the clouds)

Condensation forms on the bottom of can

Library books are due next Wednesday
Canned food drive ends next Friday (let's beat last years total of 154 cans)

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Primary Blogging Community, GRA15 and Lines...Oh My!

Mrs. Stoufer's Class would love to have the students read their blogs!  They are all the way from...Florida!
Dance-A-Thon pledges went home with the kids the other day.  The Dance-A-Thon will take place on October 30th in the gym.
The Canned Food Drive (aka We Scare Hunger) has begun.  Please help us reach our goal of at least 100 cans for the classroom!
We have been learning about different lines.  At one of our stations this week, we have to use at least 6 lines to create a crazy hair picture (to follow!!!).

Today we read the story "It's Not Fair!" by Amy Krouse Rosenthal.
We talked about what we thought 'fair' meant before we listened to the story.  We also discussed what the author's message might be and if we had any connections.  If you did not get a chance to add your voice to the Padlet, here is your chance (just tap on the padlet and you can write!):

Monday, October 19, 2015

Raz Kids, Glitterbug, Air and Water and Responsibility

The teacher username to access Raz Kids at home is mrsaddison.  If you access Raz Kids through the student portal it will bring you directly to our class account.  Also, if you access from our class blog (see the sidebar), it too will bring you directly to our class.  If you use an ipad or tablet, you will most likely have to use teacher username: mrsaddison.  Hope this helps and please let me know if the level I have your child at is just right (not too easy and not too hard).
Book orders are due TOMORROW so please send them in on Tuesday:)
We had the Glitterbug today to see the germs that are on our hands.  We had to wash our hands afterwards to check if we washed them properly.  A good song to sing while you wash your hands is "Happy Birthday".  Don't forget to clean between your fingers!

We continue to add to our KWL chart for Air and Water.  Take a look at what we have so far!

Nduku tried out Explain Everything to show her thinking for the following problem:
Will you reach 41 if you start at 6 and count by 5s?

It was a test run and we are going to be learning how to use this app to share and show our learning.
Finally, we created an anchor chart about what Responsibility Looks Like, Sounds Like and Feels Like in our classrooms.  Our focus for the month of October is Responsibility and Organization.

Have a great evening!

Friday, October 16, 2015

We Scare Hunger and All About...NIKITA!

We have begun to collect cans for our annual 'We Scare Hunger' food drive at St. Cecilia.  A big thank you to Sophia who brought in our first cans for the drive. The class that collects the MOST cans will have the opportunity to duct tape the principal and vice-principal to the me remind you what that was all about...

Nikita was our Star of the Week and presented some awesome pictures of her family.  Here is her Google Slide presentation she created for us:
 You can also check out her slideshow on her kidblog.  You can find kidblog on the sidebar of this blog!  Don't forget to write quality comments:)

1. Proper punctuation and spelling
2. Make a connection
3. Ask a question
4. Read over your comment before posting

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Dental Hygienist Visit

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Lucy Charbonneau, a registered dental hygienist with Ottawa Public Health, will provide a dental screening using a tongue depressor on November 3 & 4, 2015*, for grades JK, SK & 2 and other children as necessary. If your child’s grade is not selected, but you wish for the dental hygienist to see him/her, please advise the school. Only children identified as having dental needs will bring home a form. Follow-up school visits by the dental hygienist for individual children may be done.THIS DOES NOT REPLACE REGULAR DENTAL VISITS WITH YOUR FAMILY DENTIST. 
Some date(s) may be subject to change

This dental screening is offered in accordance with the Ontario Public Health Standards from Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care. Personal Health Information is collected in compliance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Personal Health Information Protection Act and will be used for the purpose of dental assessment, treatment and oral hygiene instruction, and for statistical purposes.  Questions concerning the collection and use of this information should be directed to the Supervisor of Dental Health Promotion, Ottawa Public Health, 400-1580 Merivale Rd., Ottawa, ON, tel.: 613-580-6744 ext 26376.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Global Handwashing Day, Jersey Day and Global Read Aloud Video

Tomorrow is Jersey Day for United Way! Wear your favourite team jersey (Blue Jays?) and make a donation to the United Way:)

Today is Global Handwashing Day...remember to wash your hands properly!

We are the lead video in the Global Read Aloud compilation of Chopsticks!  Woo! Hoo!

Another group of students would like us to take their poll about Duck! Rabbit!.  Please help them out here!

Activity Fees and Duck! Rabbit!

If you haven't already done so, please pay the student fee:) You can pay online through the school website (School Cash Online).  Thanks again!
Today we read the book Duck! Rabbit! for our Global Read Aloud.  We made predictions by looking at parts of the front cover.  Most of us had seen the cover before so we already knew it was going to be either a rabbit or a duck (or both?).  Take a look at the video version of the book!

Here is our Padlet about our ideas:

We would like to know what YOU think?  Please add your opinion to our Survey Monkey.  Thanks again!

Friday, October 9, 2015

Updated Padlet for GRA15

Here is a map to show all the participants in the Global Read Aloud:

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Chopsticks Part Two, Fire Prevention Week and Turkey Day

Don't forget to write down the weather in your agenda for Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. 
This week is Fire Prevention Week.  We watched a video together and answered questions about fire safety.  We also reviewed our escape plan at school.  Here is the video we watched.
We continued to work at our Literacy Stations today.  Students have begun to write on their blogs and practice writing quality comments. You can also write comments!  They would love to hear from others out there in blogland. Today's tech group was engaged in their work and did not hesitate to help one another if a problem arose. I just had to tweet out a photo of their hard work. Here is what one of our followers had to say to us...
Math Monkey was also impressed with our short math inquiry this morning.  Can you answer the monkey's question?
This afternoon, we had our first Google Hangout with Mrs. Denyer's Grade Two class at St. Gregory's. They are doing the Global Read Aloud as well and just finished 'Chopsticks'.  At lunch they tried their hands at using real chopsticks to eat their lunch.  We did too! Becoming a chopstick master requires the 3 Ps- Patience, Persistence and Practice.

During our Google Hangout, we asked questions about Mrs. D's class (they have 20 kids in their class and they have a library in their classroom too!) and what their favourite part of the book was. We will be connecting with them next week after we read the second book in our Author Study,  The book is 'Duck! Rabbit!' and it looks like it will be another hilarious picture book.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Global Read Aloud

Today we began our Global Read Aloud adventure with the story 'Chopsticks'.  Our author study will be all about Amy Krouse Rosenthal. We predicted what the story might be about before seeing the cover. After Mrs. A took off the cover to show the artwork on the cover, we made new predictions about what the book was about. It really was a book about friendship and not being afraid to take a break, trying new things. The class thoroughly enjoyed the book and its witty play on words ("whisked away" by a real wisk). The author of the book favourited our tweet about how much we enjoyed the story.  COOL!

We also discussed what the author's message might have been.  We continue to post on our GRA Padlet each day.  Tomorrow, we will attempt to use real chopsticks (Thanks, Mrs. Lee!). Rubi said she would bring her own chopsticks into school to show us how it is done. A class in Michigan has even contributed to our padlet post! Check out our twitter conversation below!

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