Thursday, October 8, 2015

Chopsticks Part Two, Fire Prevention Week and Turkey Day

Don't forget to write down the weather in your agenda for Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. 
This week is Fire Prevention Week.  We watched a video together and answered questions about fire safety.  We also reviewed our escape plan at school.  Here is the video we watched.
We continued to work at our Literacy Stations today.  Students have begun to write on their blogs and practice writing quality comments. You can also write comments!  They would love to hear from others out there in blogland. Today's tech group was engaged in their work and did not hesitate to help one another if a problem arose. I just had to tweet out a photo of their hard work. Here is what one of our followers had to say to us...
Math Monkey was also impressed with our short math inquiry this morning.  Can you answer the monkey's question?
This afternoon, we had our first Google Hangout with Mrs. Denyer's Grade Two class at St. Gregory's. They are doing the Global Read Aloud as well and just finished 'Chopsticks'.  At lunch they tried their hands at using real chopsticks to eat their lunch.  We did too! Becoming a chopstick master requires the 3 Ps- Patience, Persistence and Practice.

During our Google Hangout, we asked questions about Mrs. D's class (they have 20 kids in their class and they have a library in their classroom too!) and what their favourite part of the book was. We will be connecting with them next week after we read the second book in our Author Study,  The book is 'Duck! Rabbit!' and it looks like it will be another hilarious picture book.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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