Thursday, October 22, 2015

It's Not Fair! The Water Cycle and Reminders

We got a tweet back from Amy Krouse Rosenthal (our author study for the Global Read Aloud). Pretty cool to have a famous author write back to us!
Today, we created our own "It's Not Fair!" pages for a book we are creating.  It should be ready by next week...just in time for Hallowe'en.
In Science, we had just enough time to do a quick water cycle experiment and record our observations.  First, we boiled water (like the sun heating up a lake) and then put ice cubes in a tuna can.  The water vapour rose and condensation formed on the bottom of the can.  Can you guess what started to happen to the water droplets?  You are started to rain!  Some unlucky students got a little wet! Thanks Rubi for the great photos.  Clark also went outside to take a photo of a big puddle in the school yard.  I wonder what will happen to it?
Evaporation-when the water vapour rises into the air (ice cubes were the clouds)

Condensation forms on the bottom of can

Library books are due next Wednesday
Canned food drive ends next Friday (let's beat last years total of 154 cans)

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