Friday, October 2, 2015

Friendship Celebration and Making Connections

Weekend Homework Update! Please record the weather and temperature for Saturday and Sunday.  Record in agenda.  Thanks!
Today all the grade two students at our school got together to sing along to 'Count on Me' by Bruno Mars.  Later they had to interview a student they did not know.  We will be turning their interviews into a new class book.

Later, we wrote a shared recount of the celebration in the gym. Next week, when we begin Literacy Stations, we will be asked to write a recount about our weekend.
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Math Monkey liked the strategies we used to solve collaborative group question from a few days ago.

We continue to add to our Making Connections anchor chart on Padlet.  Today we read "Lily Jean You're So Mean". So many great connections are being made during our daily Read Alouds!

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